Chapter 24

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This is going to be extremely short, not even 700 words. And it ends shit but I don't know how else to end something like that. Epilogue coming up right after this.

I don't think it settles in just yet.Jason's tence arm goes slack in mine.Then Leo is whooping and swinging Calyspo around in circles.Annabeth grabs onto Percy and Thalia,laughing happily,Jason has smacked one on Piper in front of all the gods,Frank and Hazel have their own quiet hug.Will slings an arm easily over my shoulders,but he doesn't look that happy.

"I want you to promise me something,Death Boy,"He tells me sternly.

I'm having a hard time wraping my head around the moment from when he asked me that question at Camp.My answer is the same as it always has been,"Anything."

A slight tug on the corner of his lips before he answers,"Don't go as dark as you were before.I don't care what you do with your time with Hades,just promise me that."

I blink in shock,that's what he's thinking about?I can promise that easily."I promise.I swear on the Styx and all."I tell him firmly.

He grins again,"Ok then.I better go see what my dad is planning about our time together.No doubt it will be all about him."He shrugs like what can you do.Then he's striding over to his dad while my own suddenly appears by my side.

"You know,"I tell him without actually looking at him,"It used to freak me out when you done that,not anymore."

"Tell me you're happy,Nico."Hades tells me,he doesn't seem angry,just curious.

I turn to him,"I am.Thanks to you and Apollo.But in future don't endanger everyone just to get me a boyfriend."

An almost smirk grows on Hades's lips,"Next  time?Is the Solace boy not the one you wanted?"

I flush as I look to Will.Him and Apollo are deep in discussion about what gods only know."No,Will is it for me.I won't want anyone else."

Hades simply nods."Then my work is done.Just so you know,our first little trip will be to see Bianca."

I gap at him,"But she went for rebirth!"

Hades grins,"She was my child,I can have her tracked down.And Hazel can finally meet her."

Having both my sisters in the place,at the same time.How very temtping that is.What allures me the most though is simply seeing Bianca again.It's been years since she died and left me worse then an orphan,at least they have a chance at family.Not me,not then.If it wasn't for the pull to a certain blonde I would probably be the same as I was then.I owe Will more then even he knows.Glancing at him again I catch his eye,he grins and winks at me sending heat to my cheeks.I smile back at him,the action coming easily now.

"Can't wait."I tell Hades.

Hera stands,the only goddess that isn't happy with this little gathering.Even Mr.D has an almost smile on his face.Mostly because a delicate,beautiful woman stands by his side."Heroes!"She booms throughout the whole hall."It has been decided that this very day each year the gods will dedicate to their children as long as all of them swear on the Styx that when their children die there will be no war.Death comes to all mortals as all us gods should remember."

There's a rumble as all the gods swear on the Styx that when their children die that they will let them rest in peace.Hera sits back down,letting her husband gush and bond with the Graces'.She has a sour look on her face as the other gods and goddess' pop off to find and collect their children.Hazel strolls over to me and Hades,ready for our little trip.I can feel the excitement bubble and build,all I can think of is Bianca and what she looks like now,is she happy,would she recgonise me?Would I recgonise her?Hades takes both our hands and darkness blocks my vision for a split second before my feet touch ground again.I don't even feel lightheaded.

Then I see her,I'm not too sure how I know it's her,she looks nothing like she used too.There's just something that feels familiar about her,an instinct that tells me this is her.Like when you put food in your mouth and you just know the taste,it's familiar.Bianca.I smile.

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