Chapter 1: The Cook

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He walked to the edge of the beach, ready for what came next, or what would come next. He fell to his knees at the edge, right where the tide came in and almost touched him but just barely missed him. He watched as the water receded back into the ocean and disappeared, leaving the sand a dark brown color. He wished there was another way, but there wasn't, he was going to die and that was the end of it. He looked to his left and saw two horses, one with rainbow hair and another with blonde and a brown stetson hat.

Next to the blonde horse was his friend, Alan, who smiled at him and said "It's time brother."

The man nodded, turning to his left revealing more horses. He saw one with purple and black hair, pink curly hair, purple wavy hair, and pink straight hair. He smiled and with tired eyes stared out at the ocean, looking at the horizon which had the afternoon sun shining brightly, casting the beach in a gorgeous orange shade. "You ready?" A raspy voice asked him from his left.

He looked and saw the rainbow haired horse smiling up at him, he couldn't help but let a smile form on his face from it. "Yeah.." He replied, looking back out at the ocean and admiring its beauty like it was the last time he was ever gonna see anything like it. "I love you Dash." He said.

"I love you too." The rainbow haired horse said.

He stared out at the horizon, admiring its beauty like it's the last thing he'll ever see. He felt a blissful feeling deep in his chest and his eyelids grew heavy, and he felt all of his pains and discomforts leave his body as he finally closed his eyes.

<i> Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm clock blared, awaking the man peacefully sleeping inches away from the clock. "Son of a bitch..." Levi Cronell groaned, reaching over and turning off the alarm clock that was screaming in his ear.

He sat up in bed and loudly stretched and groaned out of relief as his back cracked and popped after a good night's rest. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and hopped off onto the soft carpet of his bedroom, he grabbed a pair of black sweatpants from inside of his dresser and slipped into them. He also reached inside of his dresser and grabbed his favorite blue dress shirt along with a white t-shirt and gracefully slipped into the shirts as he walked into the bathroom. He walked in and turned the light on, immediately flinching at the bright light and holding his hand over his eyes for a few seconds.

When his eyes adjusted he looked intently at himself in the mirror and squinted at his reflection, he ran his hand over his chin and felt his stubble prickling his fingertips. "Damn, I gotta shave." He thought aloud, grabbing his razor and switching it on. The buzz filled the small bathroom and he watched as his stubble left his face and fell into the sink,

As he looked in the mirror staring into his own green eyes, he couldn't help but frown at his own reflection. This was because Levi held a terrible secret that nobody could know, he was a meth cook. He was not proud of it, not proud in the least bit, but he had to do it. If he didn't he wouldn't have had a house, a car, or even a life for that matter.

However, Levi led a relatively normal life in his small apartment in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. In order to hide his meth cooking side hustle from the rest of the world, he got a good paying job in landscaping. While he didn't like his job, he had to in order to prevent him and his partner, and childhood best friend, Alan Sizemore from being arrested.

Alan had proposed the idea 5 years prior and Levi, while hesitant at first, ultimately decided to go through with the idea. As he was struggling to pay his bills and put food on the table, and to top it all off, he had a severe alcohol addiction which ate up a good portion of his paycheck every week.

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