Chapter Ten:

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Once more, there was a bit of a delay in getting this chapter out, but here recently I have been dealt a series if life altering events.

Everything is going to be okay though. And now that I know that, you will all have more soon!

Enjoy! Vote! Comment?

Mm, yes. Comments are nice.



Someone was shaking him and he was not happy about it. That was, until a rough voice broke through the fog that seemed to have enveloped his mind.

"Jude, wake up,"

His eyes opened slowly as he pulled himself upright, studying Nickolas with a stare that would have dropped most.

"You alright man? You started mumbling something about fires and gunshots,"

Jude released a breath as he ran his fingers through his hair, "How long have we been on the road?" He paused then muttered, "Why the fuck did you let me sleep?"

Nickolas uncross his arms and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. They were parked in the back lot of a rundown gas station, hidden from curious gazers.

"We've been on the road some six and a half hours. And if you must know, I let you sleep because you looked like you needed it," Nickolas paused as if he had more to say.

Jude tilted his head, "Say it Nick,"

Sadie's brother raised a brow and smiled a bit, "I don't think it would hurt if we stopped for...something to eat,"

Jude's jaw nearly hit the seat, "You actually visit those places? You know, those holes are just as bad a the underground slave units."

Nickolas frowned, "I'd rather find a bar and a willing female. I have a hard time paying my food,"

Closing his eyes, Jude thought a moment. They needed to find Sadie and soon, there was no time to stop for rest or grab a snack. Yes, there was a gently gnawing hunger in the pit of his stomach, but the hunger would only be sated by one persons blood.

And she was missing.

"Can you hold off until we find your sister?"

Nickolas gave a short nod. It had been a few weeks since he'd last fed, though that was normal. He just wanted to be at full strength should they run into obstacles.

"That's fine,"

Jude pushed open his door and stepped onto the cracked concrete, "Why don't you rest while I drive," It wasn't a question, more a command.

As he slipped into the drivers seat and Nickolas slipped in beside him, Jude started the car once more and headed off.


Her knees had finally given out after what seemed like hours of wondering. Her entire body ached to the bone, her head swimming, her vision blurred and her mouth too dry.

A whimper escaped as her knees brushed over the cold, hard earth. Sadie felt like she had been searching an eternity for the way out, but each path seemed to take her deeper into the forest.

Darkness had taken over only a few hours ago, the sunlight long forgotten, along with her hopes to survive.

That was what she thought, until the sound of an engine, followed by bright lights had her attention focused but three feet away.

A street.

A car.


Gathering all the strength her battered body could muster, Sadie pulled herself from the leaf strewn ground and stumbled between the trees, toppling as her bare feet met cold pavement.

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