Nezha x immortal/sassy/reader

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This was requested by 08zome11


Y/n=your name

Backstory- You are a immortal, that has know Nezha since you guys were little over time you feel for him and sooner or later you feel for eachother and started dating. You guys were right now at a festival in the celestial realm on a date

Warning- sassy, jealousy

Story time-

3rd POV-

You and Nezha we're dancing on the dance floor, having the best time of your lives but after awhile you were getting tired "ok, I love you but I am get tired" he gave a smile and stop moving "how about you go sit down and I can get you drink. Then will leave shortly after that" you gave him a peck on the lips and went over to one of the tables

Y/n POV-

I was sitting down trying to relax when someone came up to me "hey, sweetheart~" they smelled like alcohol and we're clearly intoxicated "hi"

"Can I buy you a drink, sweet cakes~" they said leaning down a bit "No, but I'll take the money instead" I put out my hand but he didn't put anything in it and TRYED key word TRYED to give me another go "where have you been all my life?~" he leaned a bit closer as I back up a bit "we're I'll be the rest of your life- in your wildest dreams" I gave him a glare as move a bit back "aww why won't you go out with me?" He gave a little pout "cuz I might have low standards but I don't got that low standards"

Nezha POV-

I was walking back with the drinks, when I saw someone talking to Y/n but by the looks of it there getting pissed, I walk over "hi, do you need something" I said holding my teeth together picking up what was happening here "sorry pipsqueak but me and my hunny bun are having a conversation" I walk over to the person and pick them up and threw them as far as I could "let's go home" I grab y/n hand and we went home

Y/n POV-

When we got to the house Nezha kiss me and keep putting kiss all over me but stop "I... I'm sorry, I should ask before doing that" he let go of me but I stop him "who said I wanted you to stop..." I start to kiss him and we had a very special night

The end
Hi shooting stars I hope you having a good time, I'm thinking of writing a book but who should I put you with and should it be one or two or more
You tell me have a good day!

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