Chapter 6: Phases

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|€| Scott's POV |€|

I opened my eyes, to see that I was in a complete different area, I looked around staring at my surroundings, I was in the snow covered taiga again, I looked down, the same place I found the crystal, I was on, literally I was sitting in. Owowowowoow my ears holy Aeor my mind said, my ears rung violently.

" What in Aeor? Why am I here? " I asked no one in particular.
" You kinda sleep walked, I guess. " A voice rang behind me.

I spun my backside almost hitting the ground. Xornoth stood there, just observing.

" You know you're pretty strong if you can snap out of it that easily " Xornoth said.

I just stared at him in awe, I only seen him once, barely, now I could full see him. Violet hair was messily place into a braid, violet eyes shone almost like amethyst. Elven clothing draped around him, only the normal Rivendell colours were replaced with black, red and purple. Sliver jewellery hung from ear to ear, hands almost covered in rings of sliver. Demonic horns grew from his head, only that they changed their colour. From blacks and reds, to a more charcoal black and beautiful bright violets. A demonic tail flicked behind him, the same colours as the newly coloured horns.

" Yeah yeah take it in brother. I'm beautiful aren't I? " Xornoth said sarcastically.
". Meh, I just haven't really, well. Seen you. " I replied.
" Yeah yeah. " Xornoth rolled his eyes.
" You should leave, you know there coming right? " Xornoth said, tapping his foot on the snowy ground.
" Wait what? " I said confused.
" There coming, can't you hear them? " Xornoth asked.
" Nah, can barely hear you to be honest, my ears are ringing violently " I said, it reaally hurts-
" Dam, probably the aftermath of regaining control " Xornoth said, just standing around twirling a ring in between his fingers.
" Yeah probably. " I said with a shrug.
" You should go now, there here, in the sky. " Xornoth pointed to the sky.
" Go this way, more trees there. " He said pointing left.

I nodded and darted off in the direction he pointed to, my ears still ringing violently. I kept running for hours, don't know how my legs were doing this, someone emerged in front of me, it was Gem. I tried to skid to a halt, but, in terms, I was on a river, so I slid. Crashing into her.

" WHAT THE HELL- SCOTT?!?! " Gem screeched, as we both got up.
" No idea Gem! I just woke up! "
" LIES. " Gem declared.

Gem reached for he staff equipping it, drawing it upwards towards me, her staffs crystal glowed, which in turn, made her eyes glow.

Then very thing went black.

I awoke again, to find that I was mid process pining Gem to a tree. I dropped her immediately backing up bumping into a tree anyway. My back screamed with pain, so did most of my side and legs. I seen Gems state and just, stared. I did this? I questioned myself, before realising. Yes, I did do this, I took of in the other direction. Sliding on the ice underneath me. Until I ran into more people, this time being Lizzie, Joel, Fwhip and Joey.

Once again,

It all went black.

When I awakened again. It seemed I knocked out Lizzie. Joel bleeding at her side, I was mid battle with Fwhip and Joey. And in mad pain. A clearing was above us, I wanted to get out. I needed to. Within a second, I opened my wings and shout off into the sky. Flying somewhere, running into more and more emperors who chased me. I knew Fwhip and Joey were close behind me. And definitely knew when something hit my wing, right in the joint. I let out a quiet dragon like scream, before plummeting to the earth below.

Everything going black again.

I woke up, again, to me being against a rock? Everything still hurt, but less. And it was night, and I was warm. A fire cracked beside me, I looked down at myself. A robe of a dark aqua wrapped around me, a plate of newly made soup sat beside me too. I grabbed the bowl and took a sip, whoever did this. Was the best. I finished the soup and let darkness take over again.

This time.

It was sleep.

Luck commenters two chapters in one day!

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