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June, 7th Friday, 1990 Last day of school

Richie's POV:

I sit up in the murky water, and look around at the familiar sewer walls.
I slowly stand up walking through the familiar twists and turns of the tunnels.
I walk into the big room.
I look up past the hundreds of floating kids at a giant sewer grate that shines a dim light into the big room.
I slowly walk behind the big pile of trash to see something new, something that I haven't seen before.
We and the other Losers are floating, eyes white, still breathing, floating just like Bev was when we found her.

I wake. My alarm buzzing annoyingly. I sit up, reaching to turn it off.
Standing up I walk over to my closet, grabbing clothes, before walking over to my bathroom to shower.
I stand in the shower, letting the warm water wash away the germs and my dream.

Later, still Richie's POV:

I walk over to my locker to see the rest of the losers.
It's nice without the Bowers gang tormenting us every day.

"Hey Rich" Eds says as I walk over,

"Hey Eds" I say, resulting in a small glare from the small boy.

"Don't call me Eds, that's not my name."

"What, so you can call me Rich, but I can't call you Eds. That's incredibly unfair if you ask me." I respond defensively,

"So Stan..." He starts a conversation with the others in hopes to ignore me and not answer my question.

After School (I'm too lazy to write about their school day) Still Richie's POV:

"W-what do you guys w-want to d-do now that it's the e-end o-of the school y-year?" Bill asks,

"Quarry?" I ask,

"Sure, when do you guys want to meet up?" Ben agrees before turning to the rest of the group,

"How bout noon tomorrow?" Eds asks, getting nods from the rest of the group.

"Alright, I'm gonna head home, see you guys tomorrow." Stan says as he starts walking home.

"See you late Eds." I say as I grab my bike.

At Richie's house, Still Richie's POV:

I lay on my bed listening to a random record I pulled from my pile.
I can't stop thinking about that dream that I had.
Why were we all floating like that.

I get startled by a sudden knock on my door.

"Oh hey Bev"

Beverley's POV:

"Oh hey Bev" Richie says, clearly lost in thought, as I open his door.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I ask as I sit down next to him on his bed.

"Just a dream I had" He says still lost in thought

"What was it about?" I ask

A small smile appears on his face, showing to me that I messed up "Oh just about your mom"

"Richie. my mom is dead" I remind him

"Oh ya, I meant Eds' mom" He corrects himself, the joke no longer having the same effect.

"No but seriously what was it about?" I ask, redirecting the conversation back to his dream

"It's really nothing" he says in the least convincing way possible, "Random question tho"

"Ask away" I say

"Did you see anything when you were, like, possessed?" he asks me,"

"Ya kinda," I start "I saw everyone's deaths when we were older. It felt so real, like I was there. I didn't realize that It was fake until somebody pulled me from the trance"

He hesitated before giving me a small "Oh" I look over to him "So" He looks over to me

"So what?" I ask giving him a puzzled look

"How do I die?" He asks

"I can't tell you."

"At least tell me when I die"


The next day, Richie's POV:

I think about what Bev said as I walk to the quarry.

I didn't realize that it was fake until somebody pulled me from the trance.

For some reason that line stuck with me, but I can't quite put my finger on it, so I guess that I will think about it later.


Words: 619

Authors note: Hello.
Look, a new story, how many will he manage to write? Who knows.
I have way too many stories planned and way too many that I am writing.
If this chapter is posted that means that I have completed this story and that means that there will hopefully be no missed updates.

Thank you for reading,

Another Authors Note: Hey, this is current me, I wrote this a long time ago, so this is really bad.
But I was too lazy to re-write it.

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