Oh Shit

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Small note: Whenever you see capital words 'LIKE THIS' that is the same person no matter who the Loser is.

June 9th, Sunday

Richie's POV:

The words Beverly said continue playing through my brain.

I didn't realize it was fake until somebody pulled me from the trance.

For some reason that line stuck with me.

I hear the phone ring.

"Rich? Is that you?" I hear a familiar voice say,

"Ed's!" I say "Whats up?"

"Don't fucking call me Ed's" He says with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice "I was just calling to see if you were free later today. We were all planning to go to the quarry later."

"Hmm... Sure. I think I can go. I just need to ask my parents first." Of course I was not going to ask my parents, they would never let me go.
Instead I would just sneak out later when it was time to go, or earlier.

"Were meeting in around 30 minutes." He says,

"Alright, see you."

"Bye, see you there Rich."

*Beep Beep*
The line goes dead.

I sigh as I put the phone back and walk up to my room.

If it takes me 5 minutes to get there and I have 30 minutes until I have to be there, that means that I have 25 minutes until I have to leave, but everyone will probably arrive early, so I should arrive early, that leaves me with 20 minutes until I should leave.


That felt excessive.

 I could have just said I should go in 20 minutes to have some extra time.

I flop down on my bed and look at the ceiling.

It's been a year since we killed IT but I still never feel at peace, I still feel like he's here, watching us, laughing at our stupidity.

I sit up and walk to the closet to grab my backpack.
I toss in a water bottle, a bag of chips.

I hate waiting.

I'm going to call someone.

Stan's POV:

*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

"Hello, this is Stanley, you've reached the Uris household." I say as I pick up the phone.

I hear nothing from the other line.

"Hello?" I ask, "Is anyone there?"


I slam the phone back on the wall.

Who was that?
It sounded like Pennywise.

But that doesn't make sense.

We killed him.

*Ring Ring*

I look back up at the phone.

*Ring Ring*

I answer.


Bev's POV: 

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.


"Hello?" I ask again.

*"Beverly, come home."*

"...dad?" I ask into the phone.

It can't be him.
He's dead.

*"Beverly, I'm not going to tell you again, come home."*

"How? You're- you're dead."

*"What are you talking about? I'm not dead, now get home now, you're in serious trouble."*



I slam the phone against the wall.


Eddie's POV:


Who the hell was that.

I was just saying goodbye to Richie.


"Bye, see you there Rich."


*Beep Beep*

End Of Flashback

That  sounded like-

Bill's POV:


I stare at the basement door.

I still can't get over that.

But my parents want me to grab something from the basement.

I open the door.
It looks the same as always.

As I walk down the stairs, they creek under my feet.

Nothing goes wrong, not even at the bottom of the staircase, not even when I grab the can off the shelf.

I walk back up the stairs.

I take a step, only 3 steps from the top.
The board beneath me breaks.

I fall, but catch myself to prevent falling all the way through.

As I begin to pull myself up I  feel something around my ankle.
I begin to panic as I realize it begins to tighten around it.

"Mom!" I yell out hoping to get one of the, over to help me, "Dad!"

I start getting pulled down.


My hands start to slip from the holds as I get pulled even further beneath the stairs.


I fall.

I manage to prevent my head from slamming into the ground, yet the impact leaves my body unable to move.

I look up to see two glowing yellow eyes from the stairs above me.

"Bye bye Billy."

A new panel is placed where the old one was.

And I am left in darkness.


Words: 640

Authors Note: I totally didn't forget about this book.

Haha, totally.

Anygay, bye bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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