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The Crown Prince fell sick.

Ri Jeung Pyeong could not afford to lose another son anymore and most especially, not the only remaining heir to the throne.

The royal family was beyond devastated.

Jeong Hyeok was everything he could ask for. He was a kind and gentle boy, always an obedient son. Mu Hyeok promised a great ruling when he was alive, but sadly a miserable tragedy took that away, leaving the Ri Family in perpetual grief and heartbreak.

And now, that devastation doubled—the successor, the younger brother who replaced his beloved older brother's place now has his health on the line.

As much as it was of urgent emergency, it was still to be dealt with discreet. The people could not know of this problem, they should never, most especially the Crown Princess and the Yoon family.

Ri Jeung Pyeong was an ambitious king and a devoted husband and father on the side. He loved his family, truly, and he wishes to cherish their legacy and keep their bloodline prosper in the country.

He believed Jeong Hyeok's illness is temporary — it has to be — and that everything will subside at the end. Thus, every great mind that was intellectually inclined in medicine, every deft hands that were trained in therapy and acupuncture were all summoned under the shadows, tasked to treat the Crown Prince to the best of their skills.

While these were all occurring overseas, at a private family residence that was kept from the public's knowledge, the King knew he has to do something.

The long eventual absence of the Crown Prince will cause a stir in the country. He has to evade that matter, both offline and online.

The King will do everything in his power to secure Ri Jeong Hyeok's line to the throne.

And he never thought he'd see his answer in flesh... scarred yet perfectly alive.


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