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Of course, Y/N will look like you! But with a bit of modifications(Unless you look like this already then just pretend it's already you.)

You have heterochromia

(HETEROCHROMIA - Basically you have different colored eyes. I don't know how to spell it.)

You can choose the colors, it can be any color it doesn't matter it won't be important to the plot.

You have long and curly hair, you usually don't tie it up but you take care of it daily.

You have a fit physique and kinda built like a Greek God.

You're 6'7 to 6'8, very tall!

Of course this is just a little modification to what I'd sculpt for your Y/N, you can be any way you look, but you'll just be taller.


You're a very considerate and a good person, you'll do anything for people that you care for, even strangers, but this comes at a cost, you can be easily manipulated and are quick to anger sometimes, causing fights that could've been avoided. But still you ARE a good person at heart.

How you are in a relationship:

You LOVE to take care of your partner, you do all of the chores, cook breakfast lunch dinner and prep midnight snacks for you and them(or it, or any pronoun! I ain't judging.)

You're very house husband like so you clean alot and stay home most of the time. Taking care of the house while your partner can sit back and enjoy, you don't mind of they're lazy, as long as they don't stab your back or betray you in any sort.


You like to.

Talk with the party, write your thoughts on paper, sit down and take in nature, do tasks that aren't too difficult for the party.

You love to.

Clean the house, cook for the party(They all praise your cooking and you have a thing for praising.), draw your party as a big happy family, play board games and just being around the party.


You dislike when.

Megumin uses her explosion and messes up everything, you scold her about it but hey, you give her a break. When people use others for their own gain and then stab that person in the back. Your keyblade won't work or won't summon when needed to prove a point about being strong. (Your keyblade is a bit wonky at times.)

You hate when.

Something bad, and I mean BAD happens out of your control or you were too weak to do anything(Ex: Kazuma dies or one of the party members get kidnapped.), when people use you and expect not to pay you. When a person is cocky and egotistical about themselves and think lowly of you solely because you're human or seem weak.


You have theeeeee...


Since Wattpad is a little wonky search it up yourself! Sorry!

ABILITIES(That you progressively gain throughout the book.)


Sliding Dash




Strike Raid

Quick Blitz




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