Chapter 8: Truth or Dare Meltdown

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One week later, the trio and Strawberry relaxed in the living room, playing with marbles.

Mugman: I win.

The trio put the marbles away while Strawberry spoke up.

Strawberry Crème: Why don't we play Truth or Dare? It's pretty rainy outside and it's the perfect time for it!

Mugman: Are you sure it's safe to go out in that weather?

Strawberry Crème: Do you guys have a tent somewhere?

Mugman: There's one in the attic.

Strawberry runs upstairs. Mugman turns to Chalice.

Mugman: She seems excited.

Chalice: Or nervous. I can't tell....


Later, the four of them sat in the huge tent in the backyard.

Cuphead: So, who wants to go first?


After the dares, no one has told truths yet.....

Mugman: Since we did Dare, we can do Truth now. Who wants to go first?

Cuphead: Me. I'll go first.

Mugman: Go ahead, bro.

Cuphead: It's time I tell you.

Mugman: ??

Cuphead: I'm aroace. I'm just not interested in romance stuff yet.....that's all....

Mugman: That's....amazing, bro! I understand you're not into romance. It's not for everyone.

Cuphead:......thanks, Mugs.

Mugman: No problem. Now, I have something to tell you, too.....I'm bi and I'm a little asexual. Even though I like both genders, I just don't have the sexual attraction.

Cuphead: Understandable, lil bro.

Mugman: Wow. We both came out....

Cuphead: Yep.

Cuphead looks at Strawberry.

Cuphead: Your turn.

Strawberry Crème: Um....I'm....I....I can't tell you....

Mugman: Why not?

Strawberry Crème: I....I.....

Strawberry runs out of the tent.

Mugman: Hey, wait! (sigh)

Chalice: Is she alright?

Mugman: I'm not sure.....but we need to go after her.

Cuphead: Agreed.

The trio runs out of the tent.


Strawberry runs through the pouring rain.

Strawberry Crème: (sniffling)

Strawberry hides in a bush.

Strawberry Crème: (sobbing)


With the trio.....

Mugman: Why does Strawberry wanted to do Truth or Dare in the pouring rain?! We should've stayed inside!

Cuphead: She wanted to come out as well, but she's too afraid!

Mugman: Wait....really? Is she also araoce?

Cuphead: Actually....yes. She is. But she's also a demigirl....

Mugman: Now wonder she's too afraid to come out. She's afraid we would judge her gender. But we don't!

Cuphead: Her pronouns are she/they....she told me the other day....she wanted to tell you guys but....

Mugman: Instead, she just ran off....

Chalice: Guys....I hear something.

Mugman: I hear it, too.....

Cuphead: It sounds like someone is crying..... (!!) Strawberry.....she must be hiding in the bushes.....

Mugman points to the bush Strawberry is hiding in.

Mugman: She's hiding in that one.

Cuphead: Go talk to her, Mugs....

Mugman: Okay, bro.

Mugman joins Strawberry in the bush.

Mugman: Hey.

Strawberry Crème: (sniffle) Hey, Mugs.....what are you doing here....

Mugman: You ran off earlier....are you okay?

Strawberry Crème: Yeah....I'm sorry I ran off like that....

Strawberry wipes her eyes.

Mugman: Cuphead told me why you ran off....we won't judge you based on your gender....

Mugman puts his hand on Strawberry's.

Strawberry Crème: It's just....the orphanage is homophobic and transphobic.....I came out to them once....they locked me up in a closet all night.....

Mugman: Oh, my gosh....that must've been horrible.....

Strawberry Crème: was....and I haven't spoken a word about it ever since.....

Mugman notices something on Strawberry's face.

Mugman: Is that a crack on your face?

Strawberry Crème: Yeah....they hitted me with a ruler a little too hard and I ended up with a permanent crack on my face.....

Mugman: Oh, my gosh....

Strawberry walked out of the bush and leaned against a tree. Mugman comes out of the bush as well and sat next to her.

Strawberry Crème: I'm glad I got out of that horrible place....

Mugman: I'm glad, too....those people are're safe here.....

Strawberry hugs him.

Strawberry Crème: Thanks, Mugs....

Mugman hugs her back.

Mugman: No problem....


Later, the four of them arrived home.

Strawberry Crème: Welp, that was a mess.

Cuphead: Yep.

Idk how to end this chapter, so-

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