Poo Poo Planet!

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Squish! blob! Pleggh!

Tommy had fallen and landed in a giant lake of diarrhoea and floating poo logs! Luckily for Tommy had his gas mask fall right next to him so Tommy had suddenly put it on in less than 0.01 of a second. Tommy quickly grabbed the nearest log of poo and stood on it. There was corn, carrot and grape pips in the poo log. Tommy nearly vomited so he quickly jumped and swam to the shore of the disgusting diarrhoea lake.

Tommy found a fresh water lake nearby and went to it to go and wash all of the poo off. As he dunked his head underwater to clean all of the poo of of him , a little droplet of the water went in his mouth and he nearly fainted. It was a large lake of pee and little particles of poo! Timmy ran out and tried everything to get the disgusting taste of pee and poo out of his mouth. finally the horrible taste went away in Tommy's mouth.

Tommy was stuck on Poo Poo Planet so Tommy started to go and look for someone to find.

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