Part 11 - New Tech

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POV: 3rd Person

Crux Admiral and General Yukata were walking in a long thin corridior. The room had small, thick, windows. Almost looking like a Mars Base. They walked for a few minutes and finaly arrived at the shuttlebay. General Yukata walked up to one of the Core Units parked at the area and started explaining:

"As you probably know, Erekir is a desert-type molten planet. Unlike in Serpulo where liquid water forms at the equator, Erekir has lakes of acid and the ground is too unstable to extractor resources from. Thus, we developed Energy before Serpulo. Our basic Core unit Evoke was modeled after an Alpha while modifying it to work even in thr toughest of areas. Its packed with a camuflage module that makes it invisible to enemys. However, that function unfortunately comes at a cost of no radar nor firepower."

"Oh, so they used the basic tech design and modified it to work in a harsh atmosphere." tought the Admiral.

Yukata entered the command module of the ship with Admiral sitting behind him. Started up the system and flew to the nearest production zone.

"Here, we mine Berilium from the mountains, the most common ore on Erekir using Laser Miners. There is also Graphite that can be directly mined from the cliffs."

"Interesting, so the hot tempreture of Erekir turned the natural coal into Graphite." tought the Admiral. While watching the scene with curiosity.

"We also use the natural Steam from Vents to power our machines. Geortermal energy, if you know what i mean." continiued Yukata.

"It seems there nodes are diffrent from Serpulo tho." asked the Admiral, still interested in learning more.

"As i told before, the atmosphere of Erekir is very harsh, thus our power nodes have been modeled after the very early prototypes of nodes and use large scale beams to transfer energy. If we used Serpulo like thing cables, the cables would cruble within no time." explained Yukata. Still seeming eager to continiue.

"Wait, it just occured to me, how do they make silicon if they have no coal?" tought the Admiral.

"You may ask, 'How do we make silicon if there is no coal?'" said Yukata. Reading the mood.

"We use a Silicon Arc furnace which produces silicon by combining Graphite and Sand under immense pressure and energy." explained Yukata.

"We then use that silicon in our Tank Fabricators to produce advanced and basic Units." he continiued.

"Because of the harsh atmosphere, we cant make flying Units, but our T1 insectoid and tank units are as advanced as Serpulo T3 units!"

"What!? T1 Units as Strong as T3!?" shouted the Admiral in his head. Seemingly unable to process the difference in tech.

"And finaly, we have the Breach, the Berilium Turret. Unfortuntely, turrets smaller than 3x3 cant survive in the harsh enviroment so we need to build larger turrets. And closed ducts to transfer item." explained Yukata.

While they were returning to their Core, a small object shined in the sky. It looked like an ateroid, but it was coming right for Onset!

<"Warning! Warning! Unidentified Object Crashlanding! Warning!">

A massive object crashed down on the planet, creating a shockwave and dust cloud that covered the entire area.

"WHAT IN THE ANUKE IS THAT!?" shouted Yukata, while looking at the nervous Admiral.

"They are here..." muttered the Admiral.

It was a Core, a yellow one at that. Landing only a few kilometers away from the Onset Base.

Sharded has come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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