Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Day after day passed quickly, that day Jimin came to the office and met Jin in his room, he wanted to say something.


"What's wrong Jimin? Tomorrow we go to the hospital for dialysis, you haven't forgotten right?"

"Yes hyung, thank you hyung, you always accompany me to the hospital, but I didn't come to say that"

"Then what is it?"

"I want to tell you, last night Jungkook hyung came to see me"

"I don't want to talk about him Jimin"

"I know but--"

"Jimin, I don't want to hear anything about him"

"He's pregnant hyung" Jin was speechless hearing that. His heart hurts more and more.

"He's 8 months pregnant, he doesn't live with his boss anymore, hyung... I know you're disappointed with my hyung, but what's wrong if you meet and settle everything well?"

"There's nothing to talk about between the two of us, we're over by then"

"Hyung.. his boss left him because Jungkook hyung said it wasn't his baby, I'm sure he only did it to you, if you change your mind, you know where to meet him, he told me he wants to paint today" Jimin left the room, leaving Jin in shut up.

After all this time his heart slowly got better, now the wound was open again, but not because of disappointment but because of the guilt that enveloped him. He still can't get rid of Jungkook's words to him at that time. Every time he remembers his heart always hurts.

But his mind kept thinking about Jimin's words to him, what if the child he was carrying was really his child? He rushed out of the office. His tears didn't stop flowing, Jimin who saw Jin running away just smiled.

While Jungkook was busy painting in his studio, sitting in front of a canvas while stroking his big belly. He painted something his baby would later remember. Something that would remind him if he was worthy of love.

Painting with a smile on his face until his studio door opened, making him stop and get up from his chair. He saw Jin standing there, instantly his tears flowed. Jin immediately ran to Jungkook and hugged him tightly, crying in that hug.


"Sshh, I'm disappointed in you, I'm angry with you, you broke my heart and make me cried everyday for months, you left me when you promised you'd stay with me, you were mean to me, you broke me"

"I'm sorry" Jungkook hugged him tightly.

"But I can't, I can't forget you like I expected Jungkook" Jin let go of his hug and looked at Jungkook, smothered his cheek and stroked it gently.

"I still love you, I love you Jungkook"

"Me too, I thought it would be easy to do it, but I was wrong, I can't, I torture myself every day, I'm sorry Jin, I love you" Jin hugged him tightly again.

They both sat on the sofa, Jin continued to carry Jungkook's body into his arms. Jungkook's head rested on Jin's chest and their hands were on Jungkook's stomach.


"I know, you must want to know why my stomach is this big, right?"

"Yes, but before that I want you to explain everything to me, why couldn't you be contacted that night?"

"Actually, there's something I have to say besides about that night, he raped me back then, before you came, I didn't want to tell you, that's why I wanted you to touch me back then, I don't want to remember all those things, then that day, when i told him if i wanted to quit and stop being a player he was furious with me. he did it again in his room. he said he kept all my videos with him and videos of us doing that. I'm sorry because at that time I said mean things to you, I didn't mean to say it. And this baby, I initially thought it was his, when I found out I was pregnant, I felt my world was shattered, but when I counted the gestational age I realized this was never his , this is yours Jin"

"What do you mean?" Jungkook lifted his body and looked at Jin.

"This is yours Jin, your baby, our baby, I told Tae that it would be embarrassing if he still wanted to marry me when I was pregnant with another man's baby and he told me to get out of his house, Jin.. I'm sorry" Jin smothered Jungkook's cheeks.



"Ohh god, am I going to be a father?" Jungkook smiled and nodded. Jin grabbed Jungkook's back and kissed him. Tears rolled down his cheeks, he couldn't believe all of this. It feels like a dream, Jungkook is back, not alone, but with their baby.

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