Chapter 5

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Sora stepped up to the four bullies and spoke, “Let go of him now!”

                “Get out of here yo, before you make ME angry,” threatened Rai, twisting Roxas’s arm causing more tears to fall onto the floor.

                “Shut up Rai!” commanded Seifer, he strolled up to the brunette until they were but an inch apart, their eyes challenging each other to whoever would be foolish enough to make a move.

                “Let go of him now!” repeated Sora, clutching onto Seifer’s white t-shirt.

                “Why should we listen to someone like you?” mocked the bully, grabbing onto his opponents shirt and hoisting him in the air to meet his gaze.

                Sora smirked, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he clasped his hands together to make a megaphone shape, “VANI!”

                Vivi ran up to Seifer and tugged on his sleeve, “We-we better run Seif!”

                “I don’t know who this Vani is but if you think he can save you then you are…”

                “LET GO OF MY BROTHER, BEFORE I RIP OFF YOUR HEAD!” commanded a certain ebony haired boy, his fists shaking in anger.

                “Va-Vanitas…” they all mumbled in fear. Fuu and Rai threw Roxas into the fountain and ran off with Vivi, leaving their leader in the lion’s den.

                “Look man I’m sorry,” apologized Seifer, forgetting to drop Sora because his mind was focused on the advancing menace.

                “DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? DROP HIM!” he did not wait for an answer, he sprinted up and jabbed him in the nose, causing blood to drip from it. The bully, knowing he was outmatched, ran off to find his fleeing lackeys; mumbling plots of revenge.

                Sora ran up to the shivering blonde as soon as his feet touched the floor. Roxas was in fetal position, crying his eyes out as his tears mingled with the fountain water. The brunette said nothing; instead he picked him up and set him down carefully onto the dry ground. What he did next surprised the sobbing victim.

                Roxas let his tears fall on the brunette’s shoulder, relieved by the comforting hold that felt like sanctuary. “Shh, it’s okay Roxas, I’m here.” He cooed, rubbing circles on his wet back.

                “Are you okay guys?” asked Vanitas, kneeling down to match his twin. Sora nodded in response. “Roxas… do you want me to get Ven?” the ex-bully’s question now directed at him.

                Roxas did not answer, instead he buried himself deeper in Sora’ neck; he didn’t seem to mind. He was embarrassed still sobbing like a two year old in front of his crush, but didn’t want to leave his hold, so he shook his head; still unable to form words through his tears.

                “Do you want us to take you to our house?” Sora asked, starting to stoke the soggy hair on Roxas’s head; he shrugged.

                “Okay let’s go to my house then. We’ll get you cleaned up then we can hang out!” Sora stood, carrying Roxas bridal style while he continued to grasp Sora’s neck.

                “MOM! WE’RE HOME!” called out Vanitas, throwing his and Sora’s bag on the couch.  Sora took the sleeping blonde up to his room so that he could rest.

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