Chapter 10

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“He’s gonna be fine, don’t worry Ven,” cooed Vanitas, massaging the blonde boy’s back as he cried on the Fair twin’s shoulder. He kept a straight face as he comforted his new boyfriend; though on the inside he was in emotional agony. This was his fault, no one else’s; his… he couldn’t react better when it happened.

                It was perfect, Ven loved him back! The boy he had sought after for years upon years has said he liked him back! And then the breaking of glass rung across the air.

                “Get out of here Seifer!” Sora shouted at the intoxicated bully.

                “Where’s that twerp Vanitas?” he slurred, scanning the alley.

                He stood up behind the dumpster, “Get out of here Seifer.”

                “No, I wanna show you what happens when you mess with Seifer!” With that he took something out of his pocket and lunged at him. His life flashing before his golden eyes: Sora, his parents and the one boy that he had the chance to hold lovingly for only a moment. It was too quick, wasn’t it Ven? He closed his eyes waiting to be cut open by the instrument.

                He felt no pain, he felt no blood… he felt fine? Why was he fine? Wasn’t the blade coming towards him? Shouldn’t he be dying right about now? He looked to his brother for confirmation but his eyes were still shut, afraid.

                He looked towards his new boyfriend, who was on his knees nursing a horrifying scene. Roxas’s clothing was drenched in blood, his face deathly white and showcasing a shocked expression but what scarred him the most was the knife. The blade was injected straight into his stomach.

                “Roxas please don’t go. Roxas!” whimpered Ventus. Roxas said nothing in response.

                Sora stared into the white hospital walls, unmoving and stunned. The clear image of a bloody Roxas was still fresh in his mind. Not even a flinch when the waiting room doors burst open; with a new batch of concerned friends and family.

                “Ven? What happened?” interrogated Naminé, sitting next to the sobbing blonde. Her boyfriend followed suit; along with Hayner, Pence and Olette.

                “Seifer stabbed him,” answered Vanitas for his love, “I called the hospital and we’ve been here since it happened.”

                “Whe-where’s Cloud an-and Tifa?” stuttered Ventus.

                The Fair twin pecked the boy on the forehead (to the surprise of the others), “They’re coming, don’t worry.”

                “Sora! We heard what happened; we’re so sorry,” Kairi exclaimed, running into the room with Riku at her heels.

                “Hey why are you sorry for him? It’s our best-friend in there!” argued Axel, giving the duo the angry eye.

                The maroon-head’s eyes widened for a moment before returning the glare, “Before we start this…give me a second.” She turned to Sora who had stayed staring at the wall. “Sora they don’t know? I thought we talked about this! Remember the book… take the baby steps!”

                As much as she tried to whisper her cousin heard everything, “What are you talking about?”

                “It’s none of your business Naminé!”

                “I think it’s my business if it’s concerning Roxas, Kairi!”

                “Well you ne…”

                “GUYS ENOUGH!” and infuriated Sora commanded standing up and facing the crowd, “Kairi, I think I’ll tell them now. I like…no love Roxas. She wanted to me to tell you, so I would find out if he liked me back or not.”

                The room stayed in silence; taking in the confession. Hayner spoke up first, “Listen Sora, I’m sorry to break it to you like this but I’m pretty sure Roxas isn’t gay.”

                “Wait, shut up Hayner,” Naminé said, stepping up to the brunette, “what did you say?”

                Sora stared intently at the petite blonde, his eyes watering either from what Hayner said or the situation had finally got to him, “I love Roxas.”

                What he got was a response he wasn’t expecting. Small arms encircled his chest as she hugged him. “You have no idea how happy he’s gonna be when he hears that.”

                Sora’s eyes bulged, “You mean he likes me back?”

                “You have no idea.”

                Thirty minutes later a panting Cloud and Tifa run into the white room filled with the waiting teens. They sit with Ven, noting that he was holding Vanitas’s hand.

                “Excuse me sir, I may have to ask you to leave.” The same receptionist from two weeks ago said.

                “Oh no you again! How many shifts do you have this month? Wait, I have ID!” He announced, pulling out a card from his wallet.

                “A card saying you won the burger challenge does not count as ID sir.”

                “Well I forgot my license in the car and…”

                “No ID no entry!” she stated firmly.

                Cloud growled and stood to go get his Driver’s license until the surgical light turned off and a doctor and nurse exited the room. All turned their attention to the two professionals.

                “For now, we’ve stopped the bleeding,” the doctor explained, twiddling his fresh-from-the-glove thumbs, “However his body went into a shock coma due to his injuries being severe ones. I’m sorry to inform you this, but there is a chance that he might not make it.”

                Ventus cried onto Vanitas’s lap at the prospect of not having his brother’s comforting love again; a few tears could even be seen leaving those golden eyes. Tifa and Cloud were frozen where they stood, did they hear that right? Was Roxas not going to make it?

                “Can we go see him?” asked Axel, holding his girlfriend to his chest. The doctor nodded and gestured with his hand to go in. Everyone began to file into Roxas’s room… except for Sora. Who ran out into the streets, his tears mingling with the new fallen rain.



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