"𝐀𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐈'𝐦 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞..."

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Grace's footsteps could be heard throughout the entire building. The Umbrella Academy has never been so silent. Today's training seemed suspiciously short, but no one complained, especially Five and Ben.

Everyone knew what had happened to Klaus and how their father had treated him. They were all disgusted by his behaviour and, for the first time in their lives, refused to fight each other.

Five spotted Klaus three days earlier, and although Number Four had woken from what everyone might term the fact that Number Four had woken from what everyone might term as a coma, Five said nothing to him. It's not that he despised his brother or was too cowardly to face him. After learning about all of this, Five was terrified to go anywhere near Klaus. When Five saw Klaus, all he could think of was how his father was a heartless monster.

Number Five was afraid he wouldn't be able to stand his anger and he would take it out on Klaus. That's why he did his hardest to ignore him and his siblings.

— Three days have passed. - Five muttered, sitting on his bed and gazing out the window. — Where are you?

-(••÷ ~☂️~ ÷••)-

[Y/N] groaned, attempting to block out the noise coming from the broken window. She put her hands over her ears.

She had been resting on her back on a cold concrete floor since this morning, peering into the ruins of the ceiling above her.

[Y/N] closed her eyes, attempting to sleep after a night of reading old literature. She took a deep breath. Her throat was pricked by the frigid air, prompting her to curl up in pain.

She resumed her unhealthy habit of living in dilapidated buildings. Three days earlier, she and Number Five found Klaus unconscious on the floor of the old mausoleum.

— I feel so pathetic..

-(••÷ ~☂️~ ÷••)-

Klaus's garments were tightly clasped in his quivering hands. His breath began to shake as he attempted to spatial-jump with his sibling back home.

 Let me help.. - [Y/N] put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

[Y/N].. - Five said, wiping his tears away with his jacket sleeve.

With one hand, she grabbed Five, who was holding his brother in his arms, and placed the other on the wall, allowing him to shadow travel with her.

They both fell out the shadow in the main hall. [Y/N] collapsed to the ground, while Five remained upright.

[Y/N]! - he shouted when he spotted her laying on the floor.

 I'll be alright, you go with him to your mother. - she assured him as she struggled to her feet. Emotions grabbed possession of her, making shadow travel more perilous and unpredictable.

Five nodded and dashed into the kitchen, where he heard his mother's voice.

 Mother! Mom! - he cried, drawing the attention of his mother and siblings.

Yes Number F-

 He isn't breathing! I found him in the mausoleum. You have to help him!

Reginald and Grace rushed Klaus to the hospital, leaving the children and slamming the massive wooden door in front of Number Five's face.

From behind one of the pillars, [Y/N] witnessed everything. She stood in a shadow that was undetectable to the naked eye. It was one moment that decided about everything. Five turned around, his eyes red with tears, anxiously looking for [Y/N]. Apart from his worried siblings, he saw no one else. She had already disappeared.

Truth Hates Delay | Five x Fem!Reader | The Umbrella AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now