01 - Dreams

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Sup nerds! I hope you guys are having a good life. Christmas break is coming up, so I'll probably upload more chapters, no guaratees tho. Anyways, Enjoy!


In the greatest moments of grief, pray that you don't end up alone


"Nerume!" a young girl yelled. "Check out this painting I made!"

Nerume, a girl with black hair and purple eyes being yelled at, wordlessly walked up to the young girl. She looked at the painting, and said "cool", with no expression.

"Mmmmmm! Nerume! Praise my excellent painting skills! Soon I'll be just as good as Mom!" The young girl whined.

Nerume developed a small smile, "I'm just teasing you, you're art skills are great Yumeru." The young girl visibly glowed at the praise.

Suddenly, a door slam could be heard, "Guess who's back!"



A tall man with black hair and green eyes burst into the house, immeadiately running up to Yumeru and Nerume to give them hugs.

"I missed you two adorable princesses so much!" the Dad said with a smile, tears running down his face.

"I missed you too dad!" Yumeru replied, returning the hug.

Nerume just stared at the two incredulously, "You've literally only been apart for 3 hours."

"That's 3 hours too long!" The dad replied.

"Yeah!" Yumeru agreed.

Nerume just sighed, and returned the hug.

"So what have my cute little children been up to while I was gone?" The dad asked, Nerume blushing at the word 'cute'.

"I painted a picture of the stars!" Yumeru replied.

"Ooooo, let me see! I'm sure it looks beautiful!" The dad eagerly replied.

Yumeru took the painting right next to her, holding it up to her dad.

The dad's eyes visibly shined, "Oh. My. Gosh. We need to show this to your Mother! Now! Hirune!"

A soft woman's voice could be heard in the other room, "Yes?"

"You gotta come here right now!"

The door to the other room soundlessly opened, revealing a woman with cosmic pink hair and mint green eyes. "Nemurin, this better not be you praising the kids for the millionth time." Hirune, the mother, said with a soft glare.

"It is! Check out this painting Yumeru made!" Nemurin, the father, said completely ignoring Hirune's comment.

Hirune looked at the painting, her mint green eyes visibly lighting up. "Oh my... that is very good, great job Yumeru!" She said, walking up the Yumeru and giving her a head pat.

"Thank you Mom! I wanna be a painter like you when I grow up!" Yumeru said with an adorable smile, shooting an imaginary arrow of cuteness through Hirune.

Hirune resisted every urge to give Yumeru the biggest hug of her life right there and then, simply deciding to give her a soft hug. "I'm proud of you Yumeru."


Unfortunately, or fortunately, there was someone who couldn't resist the urge to give a massive hug. 

Nemurin ran up to his wife and daughter and encompassed them in a massive hug.

Nerume simply looked at the 3 in exhasperation, long used to this type of exchange. She wordlessly walked up to the 3 and joined in on the hug herself.

A Mystifying Dream (Muichiro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now