The Start Of It All

461 11 8

Y/n p.o.v.

I had everything packed, clothes, my combat gear, and extra cases of dust. Everything a Huntsman in training would need even a travel case for my weapons. As I headed to the bullhead mom pulled me into a strong hug popping my back in the progress.

Amaru: oh look at my baby boy all grown up, heading off to some high-end academy

Sam: hun if you don't let him go soon he'll be rendered disabled and all that hard work would be for nothing *whispers* besides with him out of the house we can finally get the jacuzzi

Amaru: oh alright

She let's go dusting me off as I finally can breath,

Amaru: you have everything your clothes your combat gear your weapons did you make sure to pack extra socks and undies

Y/n: MOM! yes I did

Amaru: seems like yesterday you were still dreaming of being a Huntsman now look at you

Y/n: mom if I don't go soon they'll leave without me

Amaru: make sure to make plenty of friends

Sam: good bye my son, remember what we talked about?

Y/n: always make sure to wear protection?

This earned a glare to dad from mom,

Sam: eh hehe no the other thing

Y/n: Oohh yeah I remember don't worry dad I haven't forgotten

Sam: good, now go hurry I hold your mother back as long as I can

I run to the bullhead as dad's holding back mom from running after me. Waving at them as I board,

Y/n: I'll see you later bye!!

As the bullhead door closes mom tried saying something

Y/n: oh well

3rd pov

Amaru watches as the ship takes off

Amaru: he forgot to take his motion sickness medicine!!

Sam almost immediately turns pale

Sam: may the gods have mercy on their souls

On the ship we see both Y/n and a blond knight looking fellow running back and forth to trash cans and toilets to spill their guts. Eventually it calmed to them slumped against the wall looking exhausted.

Y/n: f- *gags* forget your medicine too

Knight: Yu- *burps* yup

Suddenly an announcement started playing but neither were paying attention until the ship started turning causing the cans to tip from being heavy. Cut to a view from outside.

Random: oh no OH GODS NO!!!


Random 3: I think im gonna be sick!

-small time skip brought by a green Y/n patting Jaune's back as he pukes-

As the ship lands everyone rushed off as fast as possible lead by the two who cause the mess.


Y/n: motion sickness sucks

Knight: same, I'd much rather swim all the way here then deal with that

Y/n offers a piece of mint gum

Y/n: names Y/n Rodrigues by the way, what's your

He gladly accepts it to get the puke taste out of his mouth

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