Training day!

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It was early morning on a Saturday when Y/n woke up looking at the clock it said 5 am. As he looked around he noticed the rest of his team was sleeping still, so he got up quietly changed into a pair of loose sweats and a (color) T-shirt before doing some stretches and heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth and do basic hygiene. One thing which was essentially but sucked was shedding. It was the areas that had scales such as his arms, the sides of his torso, and the patched on his head formed around his eyes away from his nose.

After that he went over to his stuff and dug around for a bit before pulling out thick bands before strapping them to his wrists and ankles before grabbing a weighted vest. It was full. Then he put on a (color) jacket as he zipped it up he stepped through the door of their room making sure not to wake anyone.

As he stepped out he glanced at the clock which read 5:32 am. Turning to walk down the hallway Y/n's ears picked up a click and a yawn as he saw Jaune and Pyrrha exit their dorm room. Pyrrha had a red hoodie on with sweats and sneakers. Jaune was similar except he had on the same hoodie usual with the bunny on the front. As the pair turned Y/n waved.

Pyrrha: hello Y/n. Up to some training?

Y/n: yup the usual.

Jaune: mornin'

He said with a yawn. Since Jaune started training with Pyrrha, he started following more of her routine. A part of which was waking up around 5 each day and doing for a several mile run. Y/n found this interesting as he thought it wouldn't hurt to add some more training in..... Spoiler alert it did hurt a lot. Y/n was fast but he was used to being really fast but in short bursts. Long distance wasn't a strong suite.

Y/n: here ya go Jaune you seem to be getting used running the distance.

Y/n tossed a set of wrist and ankle weights. It wasn't atrociously heavy but it would help more than it hurt. And it would hurt a lot judging from how sluggish Jaune seemed to move after strapping them on.

Soon enough they made it to the court yard. And Pyrrha helped Jaime stretch before doing so herself.

Pyrrha: alright today will be light because we're training more after breakfast.

Y/n: oh so only one lap around beacon?

Y/n said with sarcasm.

Pyrrha: I was only going to say half but if that's what you wish.

With that she took off.

Jaune: man why did you have to talk?

Despite his groaning Jaune ran off with determination soon followed by Y/n. Throughout the whole run Y/n was training his semblance so he was able to stay ahead of Jaune but not quite run beside Pyrrha. Granted he wasn't using it's full capabilities just getting used to using it longer. After their run the three end back in the courtyard. Jaune  was a wreck, panting heavily as he leaned on the back of a bench having learned the hard way not to sit down after running. Meanwhile Y/n said screw it as he flopped down on the stone walkway on his back allowing the cold stone to cool his skin while he felt the wetness of the condensation on the stones on his arms and on the back of his head.

Jaune: Y/n you know what happens if you do that right?

Y/n: Yup..

Jaune: so why?

Y/n: that's sounds a lot like an issue for future Y/n.

Meanwhile the only evidence that Pyrrha had ran was The slight dampness that caused a few loose strands of her red hair to stick to her face. On her back was all her equipment.

Y/n and Jaune looked at each other and made a silent agreement that Pyrrha was a war demon.

Pyrrha: oh look at the time. We should head to the cafeteria to get some breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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