she feels her heart begin to swell

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Miles had spent the rest of the night, all of Monday, and every second he could have of Tuesday, to think about how he should approach MJ.

They didn't want to come at him with fully romantic intentions, that just felt sleazy, and they didn't want to be that guy.

Talking about it with the other Spiders [when he, Gwen and Peni were definitely supposed to be in class] helped some. They threw some things that the MJs they knew liked.

Apparently Noir MJ worked at a Welfare Center and danced when she was younger. MJ B, was a gymnast and reporter, and the animal MJ [which stood for Moo-Jane apparently] was also a reporter but took more to cooking.

So now Miles had some vague ideas of MJ's interests. They were definitely a gymnast with how they got into that position hanging off a building. And of course he was also interested in art and graffiti.

Which is something Miles is sure he could talk about for days, so yay conversation topic!

Now all he had to do was have that conversation, which was so much harder thought than actually said.


It was around 2am, an hour before he and MJ had run into each other on Sunday.

Swinging from the taller buildings into the Bronx, Miles fell into a roll as the buildings got too short to swing comfortably. He began to run across the apartments straight to where he'd last seen MJ.

When they finally made it to the alley again. They saw MJ hanging from their kusari-fundo again [he'd looked up the weapon when he got the chance] working on their mural. He changed the way he was being held up now, the chains of the weapon were acting more as a swing as they sat in the middle.

Making sure their invisibility was down and walking in a not so sneaky way. Mainly not to have a repeat of Sunday's scare. Walking over to the edge Miles called out, "Yo MJ!"

The chains jingled as MJ startled and looked up, "Oh! Hey Spidey! Thought ya wouldn't make it for a second there." She said, chuckling, voice a bit distorted by their mask like yesterday.

"Like I'd break a promise, – Miles said jovial – Watcha working on now?" He walked on the wall of the neighboring building like it was normal, which it was, for them at least. He stood shoulder to head with MJ as they worked.

"Just some different layers, foreground and shit, want to get all that done before I start shading anything." He said, shaking the can some.

Miles hummed, the two were quiet for a second, before Miles finally had the courage to say something.

"So what got ya into graffiti art in the first place?"

"Well home was kinda bland when my dad bought it, so he'd let me hang up some of my art. Then when I got older he got me paints and the walls were basically covered with my art. Got my first set of spray cans when I was twelve? Maybe a thirteen, – He turned to look over at Miles, head tilted in a way that seemed prideful – Been making masterpieces ever since!"

He nodded, smiling, "I do graffiti myself actually! Lotta font heavy Slap tags and stuff! Few bigger pieces here and there."

That seemed to make them perk up, "Really! Can I see some of 'em?"

Miles smiled with a hum, and crouched to the wall, "Wait mind if I?" He gestured to her with a grabbing motion.

He nodded, "Yeah, no probles."

Activating his web shooters arms outstretched Miles quickly made a wide web sling closer to him for MJ to sit on. Which they did unsurprisingly gracefully, sitting with her legs crossed.

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