14 | Two Tales

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Two Tales

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We have much to discuss.

The words seemed to just hang there.

I agreed with her on that point as my heart pounded rapidly. I had so many questions for Caitriona, one of them being - how was she even alive? Lottie and Stephen had told me their mother had died, years ago. I had watched both of them grieve at her gravestone; which was near where we had laid Stephen to rest. Years following her supposed death.

Slowly lifting my gaze upward, I looked at Caitriona standing near the window with her arms folded across her chest. If she was uncomfortable with the situation, her posture certainly didn't show it. She looked calm and collected. Then again, she already had a few days to process the information I was just now learning.

I took a hesitant step toward her, but before I could begin to ask her those questions, I first needed to apologise for my appalling behaviour upon her arrival. I had acted like a jealous schoolgirl and wasn't very welcoming. I had acted like a brat and I knew it. Jealousy was not a good colour on me.

Caitriona motioned for me to have a seat on the bed. I slowly exhaled a breath and did as she asked. She then sat beside me. With a warm smile, she grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked so much like Lottie that my eyes began to mist because I missed my dear friend. I wish I knew Lottie was somewhere safe, but I had no idea the fate that had befallen my sister-in-law.

Like the gentle mother I never had, Caitriona wiped the stray tear that had slipped down my cheek. "Where should we begin?" she asked.

I hung my head in shame and could feel my cheeks begin to redden. "Before we begin, I must confess to you. I–I saw you walking in on Jamie's arm and I'm ashamed to admit I became quite jealous with no foundation but my addled mind."

Caitriona threw her head back and laughed. "The lad grows rather quickly on ye, doesn't he?"

I slowly lifted my head to see a rather large grin on her face. She gently pressed her hand to my cheek and gave it a motherly pat. "I've seen the lad every once in a while since he was quite young. But it wasn't until he came to Leoch that he got the chance to charm me. He was tryin' to prove himself to the other men on his first hunting party. He charmed me ever so terribly, that I gave him the cow he was tryin' ta steal. I've considered him a distant son ever since."

The word son panged my chest. I absently reached for my necklace and pursed my lips. My thoughts were no longer on Jamie but instead focused on Stephen. I couldn't make eye contact with her, not knowing what I knew.

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄  | outlander ↠ jamie fraserWhere stories live. Discover now