6 | Of Lassies and Cows

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The 18th century. How had I ended up in the 18th century? As I began the trek back to Mistress Campbell's house, I tried to play out in my head my last moments back in my time. Lottie and I had danced at the stones. Then, there was a clanging noise...and voices. Lottie reached out for the stones but I swatted her hand away. And then I fell toward the stone. I don't remember the pain of colliding with the stone. Instead, I found myself waking up atop Craigh na Dun, lying on my back.

I stopped for a second to catch my breath and ran my fingers through my messy golden waves. Truthfully, I had always wanted to live during the 18th century. I was utterly fascinated by the stories of Ben and Lydia. But then more questions plagued me. What year was it? Perhaps I was wrong about it being the 18th century. Maybe it was the 17th. I knew nothing about Scotland's history except what I had read in the book Lottie gave me or what Frank Randall had prattled on about at dinner last night. Had it really only been last night? One thing was certain I could be easily mistaken when it was. I simply made an assumption based on what I knew. Even if I was right, a century was a long time, a hundred years worth of history. Well, it would be history for me. These people were currently living it.

My thoughts returned to Mistress Campbell. Why hadn't she been more surprised to see me? If this was truly the past, then my outfit should have shocked her. Now that I thought about it, her reaction seemed more like one recognizing something they hadn't seen in a long time. My undergarments alone would have sent her running for the hills. Instead, she had said nothing and helped me into a shift. I then realized why she placed herself between me and Captain Randall. If he thought that being mute made me a whore, my modern outfit, which was quite modest for my time, was not suitable for this time...whatever time it was.

I exhaled slowly before taking in another deep breath. I thought I was handling this rather well, all things considered. I mean, how often did one fall back in time? (It was only later I would realize it happened more often than I thought.) I probably should have been more terrified. I should probably be fleeing back toward Craigh na Dun. But I wasn't. I knew that women were not always treated with the respect they deserved. And yet, the fires of adventure within me had been flamed. I had spent the last few years trapped. Besides Lottie, I had no one back home. Everything I owned belonged to Stephen Arbuckle Sr. I had wanted another chance at life and I was being given one. A certainly unexpected chance, but a chance nonetheless. Besides, if I found my sense of adventuring severely waning, I could always head back to the stones again. But for now, I had other concerns. Mistress Campbell being my top priority.

I smiled. A genuine smile too. When was the last time I had been this excited for something? I didn't know. I probably sounded crazy, but I couldn't help but hope that I'd be able to meet Ben and Lydia Tallmadge while I was here. Of course, if they were alive, they'd be across the Atlantic Ocean which would require me to make a rather difficult passage. But I was a Tallmadge. We had strong constitutions in our favor.

The wind began to blow again. What was with this crazy wind? It blew the afghan off my shoulders. I chased after the afghan through the tall grass, which rustled against my long skirts. These clothes were not nearly as easy to run in as my modern clothing. But I was sure that with practice it would get easier. I hoisted my skirts a little so I wouldn't trip over them and I continued to run. I couldn't help but laugh freely as I ran. I had imagined Lydia doing this very thing many, many times and now I was finally experiencing it myself.

Finally, the afghan seemed to stop running from me and I was able to bend down to pick it up. As I stood straight, I saw the oddest sight. I saw a cow being led into the trees with plaid fabric billowing behind its derriere. I cocked my head, trying to understand what I had just seen. I was just going to have to check the scene out for myself. I took a few steps in that direction when something snapped to my right. I spun in that direction, not prepared for what I saw, Captain Randall.

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