//call four//

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januari 4, 2015 03:12 am

eyes alive deep breaths dramatic thoughts


as she tapped impatiently on her phone, texting to her mom that she was going to be late, her tongue clicked. she secretly was annoyed that it took him so long to answer while she waited and waited


"hello, this is sandra, what can i do for you?"
"where is harry?" lauren asked confused.
"i'm sorry, i can't give you any information about our volunteers."
she got annoyed, lauren could hear it in her voice.
"please just tell me what happened to him.." her voice hicupped and sandra knew she was crying.
"i can't really say.." but as lauren wiped her tears away, sandra quickly whispered in the phone. "he doesn't work here anymore, i'm so sorry, but he will find you."
and as sandra disconnected the call, lauren shook her head and thought about harry's sweet voice.

when is he going to find her? and most importantly, how?

not edited, please tell me what you think, do you like where this is going so far? do you like lauren's character?

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