• ◈ 𝐄 𝐏 . 1 : 𝚁 𝚊 𝚒 𝙽 𝚒 𝚐 𝚊 𝚒 𝚕

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The spot lights open and shone brightly on the stage. A human-like figure with a block-like head emerged.

Block: /clears throat/ Good moooorning/aaafternoon/eeevening, everyone! Welcome to the first episode of " SHIP OR RIP"!!

Here, in this first episode, our beloved characters we'll be reacting to..... [ Drum rolls ]


Rain: Wait, WHAT??

Kane: Wait, I'm confused.

Patrick: Since when will the Nether even need a ship?

Abigail: HUH?? I thought we're reacting to ships, why are we a ship???

Block: As my friend, Your_Friend_Jimmy, once said: " Any two sentient beings can be shipped. "

Naeus: Now, I'm also confused. HOW are they a ship? What the Nether does shipped even mean??

Azura: Are we even thinking about the same ship?

Block: . . . Wait a minute, what ship are you thinking about?

Azura: Judging on all of our confused reactions, I'm certain that we're all - except you - are thinking of the same thing: a boat; a seagoing vessel.

Lance: That can also sail through the sky, for example: endships.

Block: Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid. I forgot to explain what I meant by a ship! Frick!
Umm, where do I start?

Azura: There are other definitions of ships in your world?

Block: Yea, it's more of a slang. Basically, a ship is: two or more people in a relationship, usually romantic. Shipped means: the people who are in a ship. Shipping means: wanting two or more people to be in a relationship. And lastly, a shipper: the person who ships.

Rain: oh . . .

Abigail: I can now see why . . .

Azura: so the word 'ship' comes from relationship?

Block: yes.

Patrick: What about rip?

Block: You don't like the ship, so you'll rip it apart till there's no trace left of it.

Patrick: I'm starting to like that word.

Stella: What if I don't hate it, nor like it. What should I say? I don't know most of the people here.

Block: Just say you're neutral.

Anyway! Back on topic,


Also, everyone will say their opinion. No exceptions. Let's start with the shipped.

Rain: ...Uhh..

Abigail: ...This feels a bit awkward...

Rain: ..Should I go first?
...Ship. She is - well, I guess was - my girlfriend before all of that happened.
...And, as much as It hurts... Now that she's the Nether princess and all... I still love her...

Abigail: ...Oh... [ A smile appears on her face as she blushed ] I love you too. Ship.


Abigail: Wha- Why???

Ciara: I want to spite you for killing me.

Rain: You killed someone!??

Abigail: it's a long story.

Lance: I'll agree with that short girl. RIP IT AND BURN IT.

Abigail: Of course you would.

Patrick: Rip.

Rain: You too??!

Patrick: First of all, she's an enemy.
Second, she's from the Nether. The heiress of the Nether at that.
Third, I just don't like you.

Block: are there any more rips?
None? Ok.

Ceris: Neutral, but leans a taaad bit to rip. The general's right, she's from the Nether, and the princess too.

Stella: Neutral, I don't know them, so I don't think I'm allowed to have an opinion on their relationship.

Azura: The same with the End Matriarch.

Kane: Neutral.

Lyria: Neutral, too.

Block: Hmm, I suppose the rest of you are also neutral right?

Daryll: Yeah

Glutton: ...Ship.

Block:. Oh! Our first ship from someone else! Why?

Glutton: If she's happy, then I think it's fine.

Block: Awwww


Lance: Now I can see why our viewers will be entertained by watching us react to 'ships'.

Ceris: Why would they even be interested in our love lives?

Block: Because it's fun!

Naeus: Of course you'll say that.

Block: That's all for today my dearest viewers! Stay tuned for episode 2!!

◤ ♡ ◢

Sorry this took so long (again), school stuff and tests got me busy the last few weeks/days. Also, sorry I got a bit lazy at the end. Idk what to do with the others.

Thank you for reading!

my opinion :

I personally don't ship this. I can see why people do, but I really don't ship it. I do think it's cute though, and the angst potential for fanfics is soo good. And the dynamic is cute too; fire x ice, opposites attract, etc.
But I'm honestly more of a neutral.

What's your opinion on this ship?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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