Chapter Thirteen: Emotions

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"The bullet didn't penetrate any major organs, though it did graze the musculophrenic artery which is why he lost so much blood." Isaiah began, looking around at the crestfallen expressions on his friend's faces. "However, I was able to repair the damage and remove the bullet successfully. He's lucky it didn't completely tear through the artery or we'd be having an entirely different conversation right now."

An audible sigh of relief escaped Roman's lips as the words registered.
"He'll be okay, yes?"

"Yeah Rome, don't worry. He just needs some rest and take a couple of pills for a week or two. I have already given him a blood transfusion so Fin should be able to wake up soon."

Silent tears were rolling down Theodore's cheeks, all the overwhelming emotions of the last couple of hours crashing into him like a tidal wave.
"Thank you, fuck." He choked out as Jay enveloped him in a tight embrace.

Nikita closed her eyes at the sound of Theodore's sniffles, she forced her heart rate to calm down. It felt like she hadn't taken a breath over the last few hours, her hands started trembling due to the suppressed emotions but she managed to keep her expression somewhat blank.

Roman came up behind her, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder. The small gesture seemed to trigger something within her, because just as his skin touched hers, the most heartbreaking sob tore through her throat. All of the worry, anger, panic and frustration rippled through her body all at once.

Nikita squeezed her eyes shut and brought her trembling hands to her lips, trying to somehow silence the sounds of her cries but to no avail. She hadn't experienced emotions like these in over a decade, ever since the death of her parents, Nikita had kept her frustrations and worries bottled up and right up until this very moment she was successful in hiding her true feelings. But not anymore.

Roman had to catch the shaking form of the girl in front of him, slight panic creeping into him at the sight of her overwhelmed expression.

"Tesoro, hey, hey." He cooed gently as she pressed her trembling figure into his chest. "It's okay Darling, it's okay. Take a deep breath for me, can you do that Nics?" [translation: Treasure]

His voice was soothing which made Nikita relax slightly in his arms, but her breaths still came in rapid succession and she was sure he could feel her heartbeat from the way it was hammering against her torso.

Nikita couldn't calm down no matter how hard she tried, she never experienced so many contradicting emotions at once before.

She was panicking and even though she refused to admit it, Nikita had been terrified. She was terrified when she found Finley laying in that dirty street, covered in his own blood. She felt truly helpless for the first time in her life.

She didn't know what to do but she hadn't given herself enough time to feel these emotions in the moment it happened, she pushed them aside in order to get help for her friend. But now that she had the reassurance that Finley would be okay, they broke through her walls like a wrecking ball.

Suddenly Jay and Theodore were next to her as well, while Theo brushed the hair out of her face to keep them from sticking to her skin due to the insane amounts of tears she produced, Jay tugged on her waistband. She immediately tensed up and went to push him away but then she saw what he was holding out to her.

Her knife.

The one she had dropped in the alleyway when she first spotted Finley crouched on the ground.

Still sobbing, Nikita reached her quivering hand out to him. He placed the blade gently into her palm, her fingers wrapping around the black leather handle.

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