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I love how things are going. I mean this pregnancy is going swell, there aren't any complications nothing to worry about. the doctor is loving how I'm practically the easiest patient he's had to deal with.

Things with work are going very well. so well in fact I opened a second company in Lodi.

Things for the club and with are club are slowly moving in the direction JT wants it to go.

Sadly I'm still dealing with the shitty cumwhire that is now Jax's ol lady.

When Gemma found out that Jax married Tara behind her back she went off on his ass it was such a damn sight I wish I had a camera to rewatch it over and over. 

When I had reached the seventh-month mark some of the ol ladies were taken and when word that Tara was one Gemma wanted the person's number to call them and beg for them to keep her and never let her go or to shoot her.

but the guys refused and Jax got pissy about it and sated bitching and moaning which Gemma told him to shut his whinny bitch ass up.

Which I swear if I didn't rush to the bathroom to pee I'd had peed myself from laughing at that whole ordeal.

Now here we are in another lockdown I'm sitting near the kids watching some toons with them while the guys are handling the kidnappers that had kept Tara but let the others go.

"hope they never get her back" Gemma says

I smiled as I looked at her.

"cant get that lucky" I commented

"don't I damn well know it" she replied before picking Abel up and taking him to spend some grandma and grandson time together.

I sat back and relaxed rubbing my stomach hoping for Happy's safe return along with the other guys.

When I heard them arrive I hoped that Tara was with them but it was like I told Gemma cant get that lucky cause she came in looking like they came close to beating her life out of her.

"Once we get Tara taken care of we'll deal with church til then spend time with your family" JT says

 so I got up and walked over to Happy and took him to our apartment and after checking him over I pulled him into one of the most breathless make outs I've ever been in.

"damn baby you missed me that much?" he asked

'I always miss you when you go to handle club business and I know about it. hell when you leave home to go to work I miss you" I tell him before I went back to kissing him before he pulls back and knelt down to greet our son.

I watching him talk to our boy before we heard JT finally call for Church.

Happy walked me back out to where I was and gave me a smile kiss before heading into church.

I sat on the stool by the bar not wanting to deal with the hassle of getting up and down off the couch.

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