Part 12

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A\N This part is based on 5x05 The Originals, most of these 'filling' parts will remain the same until the main conflict aka Hayley's death. (Or not. No spoilers. 🤭)

Klaus taking hostages from each supernatural species worked terrifically. Even though it was a wretched way, like all of Klaus' well-thought war plans it helped determine the enemy.
The vampires.

'Rise and shine, Nightwalker Nation. If it was your aim to get my attention, then I must say you've been wildly successful. I am now singularly focused on your impending suffering. And to whomever sent this coin and took my daughter's mother,' Klaus kicked a table nearby, shattering it. it's time to show your face.' He throws the coin on the ground before taking two wooden stakes from the broken table, making quick work of the vampires sparing but one. The vampire tried to get away Marcel appeared in front of him, blocking the way out.
'Man, don't look to me for help. Y'all lost your chance to trade loyalty for protection.'
'No.' The vampire pleaded uselessly.
'This would mark your very last opportunity to confess.' Klaus grabbed him by his collar, dragging the vampire towards the draped, floor-to-ceiling windows. 
'Look, I don't know anything.'
'Well, that's a pity for you, then.' Klaus opened the drapes, filling the penthouse with light, burning the vampire.
'It's me you're looking for.' A woman's voice has heard from behind them. 'Perhaps we should talk.
'You know for someone who supposedly knows a lot you aren't talking enough. Klaus' voice echoed in Marcel's dungeon.
'No doubt you binged on vervain till your throat was red and raw. And now, sadly, drip, drip, drip... All over the floor it goes.'
"Sein Mangel an vision... wird sein untergang sein." Greta spat with hatred.
"His lack of vision will be his downfall."
'That's what he always said about you.'
'He?' Klaus raised a brow.
'You and I have a friend in common.'
'Oh, I sincerely doubt that.'
'It's true. August Muller.' Klaus furrowed his brows. 'I don't blame you for forgetting. It was a long time ago. Rostock, Germany. Spring. 1933'
'Do you remember him now?'
'As an elephant considers a gnat... merely a trifle.'
'That trifle is my Bodhidharma, my Guru Nanak, my Jesus! August is the touchstone to everything that I believe, and the reason that I and my friends have taken your sweet Hayley.'
'Your daughter is dangerous. A menace, a threat.'
'My daughter is a child.'
'A child born of werewolf blood, who can create hybrids at will. Her defect must be corrected.'
'Her defect is my defect!' Klaus raised his voice. 'Say that again, I'll pluck out your eyeballs and eat them like olives off my fingertips.'
'I'll call it what it is... A dirtying of my species. Which diminishes the pure and superior nature of vampires.'
'Make your point.'
'Your daughter will purify herself, submitting to the same spell that your mother, Esther, once used to bind you. Once her werewolf side is sublimated, Hope will no longer be capable of creating her abominations.'
'And what if I don't agree?'
'It's a simple choice. Your daughter's werewolf nature or her mother's worldly life.'
'Look, all right, I got your back. I do, okay? But if they kill Hayley, and Hope isn't given a chance to save her, she will not forgive you.'
'And if I impose this shame upon my daughter and then they kill her mother anyway? I won't forgive myself.'
All the while Klaus is going through hell in New Orleans, Freya stands outside of Hope's bedroom door in the Salvatore School; for the Young and Gifted. She is here on a mission albeit one she has to do silently. 
Freya is here to get Hope to bind her werewolf side. That was the condition from the Nightwalker Vampires. Maybe if Freya can successfully persuade Hope to go through with the spell, Hayley will be safe.
Then she'll come back home.
Persuading Hope isn't hard and she relents the moment Freya tells her about the condition and Hayley's possible rescue. Upon the opportunity of doing something that might help find her mother, Hope steeled her face and told her aunt grimly.
"Let's do it!"
Freya is one moment away from branding Hope with the burning moonstone when she is thrown off her feet.
'A thousand years of family have taught me to expect betrayal from among those I hold dearest. Hope,' Klaus speaks to his daughter yet his eyes burn through Freya. 'I will not let my past become your future. Bind her? Really?' He turned to Freya. 'How many times have you heard me rail against the shame our parents gave me?'
'How many times have you heard me cry, devastated over having lived my life without my mother?' The withering of all forest greens disturbs their banter. 'You have to go, Klaus. You can't stay here with Hope.'
Klaus' jaw tightened then he turned to his daughter. 'Hope, listen to me. If you have the smallest kernel of trust in me. This ends... now.'

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now