Part 14

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'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for all of this.' Hope sobbed on her mother's lap. 'It's not your fault. Hope, this... this is all Greta.'
'I just, I thought that I was actually gonna fix it by doing the binding spell.'
'You weren't really gonna do it, were you? No, I was. But Dad stopped me at the last minute.'
'You dad does have timing.' A whisper of a smile bloomed on Hayley's face. 'Hope, promise me that you won't try again, that you won't ever deny any part of yourself. Promise me.'
'Aunt Freya said that you didn't want me to trigger my werewolf side.' A line appeared between Hope's brows.
'It's... complicated. And having all bones crack in your body sucks, it really does. But when you're running through the woods, under a full moon, with no thought of pain or... or trouble, just freedom... there is no greater feeling in the world.'
'I am so stupid.' Her shoulders sagged. 'I... I actually thought that he liked me. Hope, if... if we all judged ourselves by the mistakes we've made with the men in our lives, we would never, ever get any peace.'
'Nowhere to go but up, I guess. I just, I hate that I can't get us out of here. I'm sure Aunt Freya is looking for all three of us by... I cloaked Roman and me, so there's no way for her to find us. And I can't do magic with these stupid chains on.'
'Who'd you call?' Hope asked coldly.
'My sister.' Henry answered moving uneasily, his shoulders lined with tension.
'Oh, there are more of you? Great.' Hope quipped.
'Listen, I don't know what's happening here.'
'Then let us go.'
'I can't.'
'Then we'll give Greta what she wants.' Hayley met Henry's eyes, full of determination. 'Call your witch. We'll do the binding spell.'
The witch was called and there in no time. Hope watched as the witch took out of her bag the moonstone, the tongs, powder and all sorts of stuff. Hope recognized some of the things because of her failed attempt to bind herself with Freya.
The witch took some of Hayley's blood and put the already heated moonstone in it. The burning moonstone would be covered with Hayley's blood and be put in her palms, the soles of her feet and her forehead. And Hayley had to be conscious and breathing all throughout it.
[Chanting].- Right hand.
[Chanting].- Left hand. Hayley's pained moans echoed on the bare walls.
[Chanting].- Right foot. Her lungs couldn't get enough air in. 'It's a... piece of cake.' She smiled weakly at Hope.

'Liar.' Her daughter answered, eyes glistening with unshed tears. The chanting continued as the witch stopped to give the moonstone another coat of blood and heat it again.
'Look away, Hope. Hope, look away!' Hayley pleaded.
Hope looked away as the moonstone now red from the heat and blood was getting near her mother's forehead. Yet it didn't hurt less when the sizzling of burning flesh and Hayley's scream filled the room. With every scream it felt like a steely fist was wrapped around Hope's heart until it was crushed and bleeding.
It worked.
Hayley was simply a vampire now.
With the witch and Roman down Hope rushed towards the door, but stopped abruptly. The satisfaction from her plan working left her body as if someone had reached inside her body and taken it with force.
'You can't go.' She mumbled.
'No, but you can.' Hayley looked pale, barely standing straight but her face was filled with determination to protect her littlest wolf.
'I'm not going without you. I cloaked you as a hybrid. The second you finished that spell, Freya's beacon started flipping out. They know where to find us now.'
'And I will be fine, Hope. But it all makes sense now. They could have killed me at any time, and they didn't. It's you that they want.' Hope opened her mouth to say something but Hayley didn't let her. 'No, I can take care of myself. No. It's not your strength that they're afraid of. You are a Mikaelson witch with a werewolf mother and an Original father. You are the one that could finally unite all the factions. And that goes against everything that they believe in. They thrive on hatred, and you...' Hayley's hands caressed Hope's face and hair. ', my sweet girl, are their worst fear. Which means you have to go.' Hope tried to refuse.

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now