Welcome back Little Wolf

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"What are you...?"
"We don't have time." Klaus pulled his daughter out of the car.
"Dad, what's going on?"
"We shouldn't do this inside. Your mother would've wanted you to be out here, in nature, under the moonlight.
Hope. Listen to me. This is going to hurt. So you need to concentrate on the air in your lungs, and the ground beneath you." The full moon shone all over the little field in the middle of the forest. Pain shot through Hope's body in the presence of the moonlight.
"Aah! Dad!" Bones of her lower legs broke causing her to fall down.
"The first time, it can take hours." "Hours?!"
"If you fight it." Klaus added. "The pain will make you want to delay it because you think that's all you can take. But if you let it in, if you allow it to swallow you whole, then it cannot break you." Hope tried to take a steady breath. "Yeah. I can do this."
"When you're done, run wild and free. I am so proud of you."

"Niklaus." Klaus stopped with the White Oak Stake hovering over his chest. "Don't. Put it down."
"Walk away, Elijah. You shouldn't be here for this."
"Put it down and let's talk." Elijah tried to reason.
"There's nothing left to say. It's time to end this chapter, get rid of the dark magic once and for all."

"Dad? What's going on here?" Hope's eyes travelled between Elijah and her dad. Then she noticed the stake.
"Get her out of here."
"Brother your death is not the answer."
"Death?" Hope questioned, eyes wide, unbelieving. "Wh-What are you talking about?" Suddenly understanding dawned on her. "They put it into you. But you told me that they put it into something safe, and instead, you use my first transition to trick me. So what happens, you just kill yourself and the magic goes away?"

"And you're gonna let him go through with this?" She turned to Elijah.
"I don't need his permission to save your life!"
"Come back with me to New Orleans, Niklaus. We'll find another way."
"We both know that's not gonna happen. I'm sorry, Hope. I've made my decision."
"And I've made mine." With a flick of her wrist Klaus fell down.

"I'd like a moment alone with my daughter, please." Klaus leaned on Hope's bedroom door.
"Of course." With Elijah leaving Klaus walked into the room, waiting for a response.
"Hope, please, scream, yell, break something if you have to. Just don't look at me like that."
"This isn't right."
"A father protecting his daughter...I'd say that's exactly right."
"Elijah was willing to take the curse completely."

"And what kind of father allows another man to die for his child?"
"The kind that loves her!"

"I love you." Klaus sighed. "I love you. It's the way of the world. Children bury their parents.
It happens every day, every hour. It's a truth this family has avoided at a cost."
Hope nodded slowly, tears in her eyes glistening like diamands. "Yeah, well, I just got you back, so why does it have to be today? And I don't even know what to do about mom."
"Listen...I have not lived an honorable life, you know that. But doing this... Taking the darkness into myself so no one else is afflicted by it...That is an honorable death, and I can do that. I can do it, Hope... because you've helped me feel something that I never thought was possible. Unconditional love.
My daughter.
My heir.
You're my heart." Klaus pulled his daughter into a hug, wrapped his arms around her, feeling her tears in the crook of his neck. "And your mother's heart as well," Klaus continued while stroking his daughter's hair. "So if there's anyone who can bring her humanity back is you."

After some moments of quiet, when Hope's sniffing subdued Klaus pulled back. He reached into his pocked and pulled a ring from it.
"Last night we didn't do your first full moon right. This is a moonlight ring and with this you can control your transformation. If you wish, lets go to the bayou tonight. I'll be with you every step of the way."
"Alright." Hope whispered.

Hand in hand Klaus and Hope made their way in the centre of the bayou. The ring glistened in Hope's hand, maybe she didn't truly need it. She was a Crescent now but she liked it either way. They stopped in the middle, the calm lake their only acquaintance.
"Now Hope take a deep breath, relax all of your muscles and take deep breaths. Being a wolf is part of you now, you just have to look inside you and find it."

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now