come on you know you like (good) little girls

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Major character death
Finney was only 7 when it first happend. It was right after he met his step dad for the first time, Finney's mom had gotten divorced from his bio dad 3 months before he met his step dad, and with that he also met his step brother Vance, Vance didn't seem to like him to much but Finney was just scared of Vance. The reason why he was scared was because Vance was 2 years older than Finney and he was famous for beating the shit out of people. But other than that Finney was cool with Vance.
Finney had to start having visits with his dad a a couple days later after he met his step dad...
That's when it started happening every other weekend when he would go over for visits he would get what his dad called a "treat" but it wasn't really a treat, because treat were like cupcakes or cookies... but this wasn't those these treats would hurt, it hurt Finney really bad, and he hated he hated it but he couldn't say anything about it, It would tear his family apart more than it already has.
That's when Vance started noticing changes in Finney. Before it happend Finney always looked happy even when he wasn't smiling which he did a lot, but now Finney was just quiet... never talked never looked at Vance's dad even when he was speaking directly to him .
When Finney turned 10 it had been happening for two years by then he started dressing and acting more adult he would wear just a little bit of makeup. Finney's mom thought her son was just experimenting with different things, but Vance knew something was happening so Vance started taking note of what Finn was doing.
One day when Finn was 10 almost 11 (his birthday was in almost a month)he cracked really hard, he decided to tell Vance and Vance only for right now the conversation wasn't at all what Vance excepted.
"Hey Vance can I tell you something?" Finney asked really really quietly to the point that Vance almost asked what he said.
"Yea sure. What is it?"Vance made sure that Finney was comfortable, but when Finney closed the door of Vance's bedroom door Vance got really concerned.
"You won't get mad at me right if I tell you this, right?" Finney wanted to make sure that no one else would get told other than Vance.
"I will only tell someone if I have to but other than that no." Vance answered the question you could hear the worry in his voice when he spoke.
"So yk how I've been acting different lately?" Vance nodded when Finney said it to show that he had been noticing his changes.
"Well the reason why is because my dad has been doing things to me." Finney stated very shakingly trying not to cry as he was saying it.
"What do you mean?" Vance asked really concerned because Vance was still only 13 he didn't know too much.
"He been touching me in private places, for a long time." Finney said starting to tear up really trying not to let his tears fall because his parents were home and he does cry loud, and his mom also has like a sense when Finney's crying.
"Oh, yk that's not good for him to do that and he also has no right to do that, right lady bug?"
Lady bug the name Vance has given Finney since they met, that's when Finney just broke down started sobbing loudly. He didn't care if his parents could hear him he just wanted it to stop.
For his dad to stop touching him so he could be a kid again. So he could play with his friends and have sleep overs without having to go home early because he had to "clean his room" every weekend when I'm reality what would happen was nothing close to cleaning his room and maybe it would stop all he had to do now was answer his parents questions about why he was crying.

Finney was now 13 his dad has lost all rights to him and is now in jail but the thing is he's not in jail for what you think he's in jail for. No he's not in jail for sexually abusing his son he's in jail for killing his son.
Once Terrance found out that Finney told his mother he couldn't do much. Except wait for the trial of the crime, so when it came he had a friend on the inside who could get him a gun and he knew that. So when the verdict arrived he shot his son Finney Rose Blake who was 13 years old he was taken into custody and they were going to put him on attempted murder.
But then Finney died at 8:30 pm February 13 the day before his birthday which his birthday gift would be that his dad couldn't hurt him anymore.

Finney's funeral was 3 weeks later on The 6th of March the funeral was beautiful but what made everyone really cry that day was Finney's stepdads speech.
"Hi everyone thank you for coming I am the last speech before my son goes into heaven" he sighed getting ready to say what he has been waiting to say for a long time since Finney's death.
" My Son, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my son. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. It's time to rest - for you, and for those you have carried in your arms.
This ends for all of us." At the end of his speech he is crying he can't contain it anymore and as he says his good byes to his not biological son but his sweet ladybug.

The lady bug who finally got to go home.

A/N: hi this is my first oneshot but if you know where the fathers speech is from I actually love you.

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