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Roop woke up confused, her surroundings were very different making her realize that her short nap turned into a full power nap.

"You're awake." She looked to the side, seeing Amrit standing there with a cup in his hands.

"I'm so sor-"

"Shh, don't apologize." He shushed her, handing her the cup. He took a seat beside her, combing her hair with his fingers.

"Thank you." She whispered, taking a sip of the steaming hot coffee. "How long did I sleep for?" She asked, turning to him.

"It's night." He informed her.

"Aur aapne mujhe uthaya bhi nahi?" She gasped, looking at the watch to make sure he wasn't tricking her or something. Roop was always the one who couldn't keep the track of time, what she didn't know was that he would let her sleep for so long.
(And you didn't wake me up?)

She looked at her surroundings, they weren't in the office anymore but in a room, "Where are we?" She asked, still looking around.

The room was big, bigger than the one at home and it was furnished the same as his office, with walls painted the darkest shade of green existing, it gave off masculine vibes with no feminine touch in the room.

"It's our penthouse." He replied, "Did you like the coffee?" He asked.

"It was good." She replied, she wasn't a coffee person by any means, it never tasted good to her.

"You're lying."

"Nahi sach me..I just.." She stopped watching his eyes narrow into slits as if daring her to lie, "Kadwi thi." She replied honestly, looking away.
(No really..I just..// It was bitter)

"Right..Do you wanna go back home?" He asked, looking at his watch, "No shows are available now." A sigh escaped his lips, the tickets he booked were for the last show available but the time was way past that.



"Oh..aapne uthaya kyun nahi mujhe?" She whined, "Ticket toh book nahi ki thi na?" She asked hopefully.
(Why didn't you wake me up? // You didn't book the ticket, right?)

He raised a brow, "I think you are supposed to book the tickets before going.."

"Hey Bhagwan, kitni mehngi hoti hain movie tickets, maine online dekha tha! Muh pe paani hi fenk dete...ek minute..mai yahan kaise aayi? Did you..did you carry me here?" She asked, feeling conscious about her weight.
(Oh god, the tickets are so expensive, I saw it online! You should've atleast splashed water on my face..wait a minute..how did I reach here? Did you..did you carry me here?)

"Nah, you teleported yourself." He shrugged.

"Mat karein."
(Don't do it.)

"Kya?" He asked innocently, looking at his wife whose nose was scrunching up in annoyance.

"Tang mat karein aap, chaliye ghar jaana hai mujhe." Roop turned her back to him, starting to walk out of the room before turning back again to find her sandals.
(Stop teasing me, let's go, I want to go home.)

"Nah, I think we should stay here." He replied, laying down on the bed, burying his face in the pillow Roop was using before.

Shaking her head at his actions, she walked to the balcony, if the view was breathtaking from his office, this was surely one step above than that, the open sky looked more beautiful from up there but the lack of stars disappointed her.

Delhi wasn't the ideal place was stargazing, someday, she'll go to Himachal just to watch the stars at night. Pulling her phone out from her Kurti's pocket, she clicked a picture of the moon.

Two arms wrapped around her, making her gasp as she tried to maintain the hold of her phone.

"Bach gaya." She sighed in relief.
(saved it)

Taking the phone from her hands, he raised it to their faces, turning the front camera on. Roop's head turned towards him, wondering what was going through his head.

Taking that as an opportunity, he clicked a picture. "Now you have a picture for my contact." He said, giving an excuse for clicking the picture.

The adrenaline rush he felt in his body every time he came close to her was something he had no explanation for, the feeling of being a teenager seeing his crush in the school lobby was what he felt like, the only difference was, the one he was crushing on was already his.

"Smile." He pointed to the camera, coming close to her to click another picture. She looked at the moving cars that looked small from the high building while he transferred the pictures to his phone.

Turning her towards him, he brushed her hair back, "You're beautiful." He murmured, taking her features in. Her light brown eyes which looked golden in the sun were his favorite.

A blush adorned her cheeks as she looked down, Amrit leaned down, pressing a kiss on her cheek.

Gathering some courage, Roop placed her hand on his cheek, Kissing the other one. The touch of her lips was as light as a feather as she pulled away quickly, before she could retreat her hand, he held her Chura-clad wrist, keeping her hand right where it was.

"I quite like it here." He mumbled, pressing a kiss on her palm. "No disturbance." He added, referring to his cousins whom he considered nothing but a nuisance at the same time his phone started ringing.

Rahil's name flashed as he checked his phone, "Of-fucking-course." He cursed, a giggle escaping Roop's lips as she noticed the sudden change in his tone.

She watched him as he talked on the call, a cute frown on his face as he listened, replying in monosyllables, she remembered how she couldn't get him to stop talking when he went to Shimla.

Ending the call, he told her that he was asking for their whereabouts.

"What do you wanna eat?" He asked, changing the topic.

"Anything you'd like."

"Order something, I'll take out some clothes for both of us." He said, handing her his phone and leaving from there.

Clothes? Well, Roop didn't think about them, suddenly wanting to go back to the mansion but she had a whole night ahead of her and Amrit was looking forward to it, he had all the topics prepared already.

The updates will be slower than usual due to my exams, so I apologise in advance!
Also, how many of you voted?

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