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"Can I kiss you?"

"I..what?" Roop looked at him in disbelief, she knew that question was coming but not this soon.

"Can I kiss you?" He repeated, pronouncing each word clearly, waiting for her to say yes.

"You're drunk." She replied, turning the lights off quickly. Before she lie down and cover herself, Amrit moved closer, stopping her.

"Then kiss me again when I'm sober to remind me." He replied, leaning closer, his eyes constantly moving from her lips to her eyes, to see if there was even the littlest hint of refusal but he found none, "I'm going to kiss you now..." He whispered.

She let out a shaky breath, her hand coming to rest on his shoulder. How much he regretted wearing that stupid shirt at that moment.

His finger traced the side of her face, leaning close to her lips, "Amrit.." He heard Roop whisper, his lips landing on hers the next second.

Not being able to sit straight, Roop leaned back on the headrest, feeling Amrit cup her cheek with his hand as their lips moved in a sync. His other hand moved around her waist, getting rid of the barely there distance between their bodies.

He kissed her till they were out of breath, kissing her as if his next breath depended on it.

"Say that again." He whispered in a breathless voice after leaving her lips to let both of them breathe.

"Say what?" She asked, her voice as breathless as his was, her senses fogging with the breathtaking kiss they just had.

"Say my name." He replied, pecking her lips, not being able to stay away anymore now that he had a taste, if drugs were addictive then her lips were his favorite drug.

"Amrit." She agreed, a shy smile playing on her lips as he rested his forehead against hers.

"God, I love the sound of that." He murmured, kissing her neck softly, "Roop?"


"That was the best gift I've ever recieved." He told her, kissing her forehead before making them lie down comfortably, "Sleep." He moved his fingers to her hair, massaging her head softly.

"That was my first kiss." She murmured, hiding her face in his chest, the feeling of his lips still present, her first kiss was better than she imagined, something she couldn't describe even after reading hundreds of books.

"Mine too." He admitted, making her look up at him in surprise.

"You're lying!" She shook her head.

"Cross my heart." Came his instant reply.

"Not even ittu si?" She pinched her fingers together, looking at him suspiciously, "But you're so beautiful, did you not have any girlfriend?" She asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.
(Not even a little kiss?)

An amused smile played on his lips, "No, not even book ones." He replied.

"So you're like only mine? That's so cool!" She said more to herself.


"Umhmm, I thought you would've had many girlfriends." She told him honestly.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Because you're so hot!" She said in a duh tone, "And you know the hot guy is mostly the player types, he always has so many girlfriends and one-night stands." She frowned, talking about all the books she read where the hero always sleeps around.

"I'm hot?" He asked.

"That's what you caught from all that?" She asked incredulously.

"I care about what my wife thinks of me." He shrugged.

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