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We took off,she sat next to Clint and helped him along the way.

Clint aims the minigun at Loki. Loki aims the sceptre at the quinjet andfires a blast of energy. The quinjet is soon caught on fire. Clint manoeuvres one wing of the jet. They spin and slow.Dropping out of the air as it passes skyscrapers. Then they slam into the street and they run out and start running.They look up to see the portal and a whole lot of chitauri army come out, they arrived in the middle of a four-way street. Suddenly, the city lurches to a stop.A deep primal rage bellows. With that roar, a shadow comes over them from the portal, a fucking chitauri leviathon, carrying hundreds ofsoliders, the chitauri leviathan passes over us. We take cover behind a taxi, more and more explosions happen.

"You think you can hold them off"Cap asked

"Captain,it would be my genuine pleasure"He replied. He starts shooting his arrows. Natasha and I start shooting our guns, while directing civilians to safer spots.

"Just like Budapest all over again"Natasha says to us

"You and I both remember Budapest very differently,"He replied.

I look at them as if to say 'this is not the time to talk about that'. We continue beating up these creatures.

"Hey I wonder if I can try out that move I've been working on, on them?"Niki question to herself.

"I'm not even gonna stop you because I know I can't"Nat says, a chitauri approaches her and she tries it out, she'd say it was pretty successful.

"Yeah,That turned out better than I expected"Clint commented

"How rude of you to have such a low expectation of me"Niki says, in a dramatic way

"Okay both of you cut it out, we have some alien asses to kick"Nat says.

Clint trips a chitauri and rams an arrow down its throat. Nat gets her hands on an energy rifle and stick fights the hell out of them. Cap joins back in and uses his shield to whack oncoming chitauri. It's all too much on them, until lightning strikes down from the sky, channelling the blast, firing the electricity out at the chitauri around them. They're blasted back in a massive shockwave. The chitauri convulse, drop dead to the ground.Thor lands on the ground next to her.

"What's the story upstairs?"Cap asks

"The powers surrounding the cube are impenetrable"Thor says

"Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys,"Cap says.

"How do we do this"Niki asks

"As a team"Caap responded

"I have unfinished business with Loki"Thor tells us

"Yeah? well get in line"Clint told him, as he cleaned some of his arrows

"Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us-"Rogers is cut off by a motorbike like noise and turns around to Banner

"So,this all seems horrible"Bruce started

"I've seen worse"Natasha tells him

"Sorry"He says

"No,we could use worse"Natasha responded

"Stark,we got him"Cap says to Stark through Comms

"Then tell him to suit up.I'm bringing the party to you"Stark says.They see a giant she don't even know what that is.

"I don't see that as a party"Natasha says

"Oh you should probably wait"Niki says to her

"Dr Banner,now might be a really good time for you to be angry"Cap told him

"That's my secret,captain,I'm always angry"Bruce says turning into the Hulk

He stops the ship or whatever and Stark shoots it,pieces going everywhere,Clint grabbed me and pulled me into him and covered me.We all end up in a circle ready to attack.More come out.

"Call it captain"

"Until we can close that portal our priority is containment,Barton,eyes on everything,call out patterns and strays,Stark you got the perimeter,Anything more than 3 blocks out you turn it back or you turn it to ash"Cap commanded

"Can you give me a lift?"Clint asks Stark

"Right.Better clench up,Legolas"Stark said, lifting him up.

"Thor,you got to try and bottleneck that portal,slow them down,you got the lightning.Light the bastards up,you two and me we stay here on the ground we keep fighting here and Hulk..smash"Cap commands.Hulk smirks and jumps away.

They fight the ones on the ground,they are very strong but their stronger

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal."Nat states

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it."Cap says

"Well, maybe it's not about guns"Niki says,.gesturing the flying chariots

"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride"Rogers says.

"I got a ride. I could use a lift though."Nat says Nat backs up giving herself a running start. Cap lifts and angles his shield.

"Are you sure about this?"Cap says unsure

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun."Natasha says

She starts running towards Cap, doing a parkour move onto Rogers shield as he hoists her up and she grabs onto a chariot.

"Told you"She says

Niki ends up under where Clint is on the building.Chitauri circle around her

"Fuck sakes"She says in Russian. Clint takes out 2 of them and Niki takes out the rest.

"Thanks Clint!"Niki shouted to him.He saluted. She started running again, taking out one,then the second one who was holding civilians hostage.

Niki continued on taking Chituari out as she goes along,she ended up by Thor and Cap,one shot Cap down.Thor hit his hammer on a car making it roll on all of them,and taking out other ones,Niki helps Cap up with the help of Thor

"You ready for another bout"Thor asked Cap

"What,are you getting sleepy?"Cap told him.

"I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!"She hears Nat say

"No, wait!"Stark exclaims

"Stark, these things are still coming!"Cap says

"I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it"Stark tells him

"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip?"Cap asks, no response

Suddenly, all of the chitauri and Chitauri leviathans keel over and begin to shake, then stop. They all fall over. We look up at the portal not sure if he'll make it through.

"Close it"Rogers says

"Rogers what, he could still be coming"Niki tells him

The portal closes quickly, a small figure is hurled backwards into the open now closed portal.Stark plummeting to the earth.Niki looks up thankful

"I told you so"she says

"Son of a gun!"Cap says smiling. She notices he isn't slowing down

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