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"Now there's that guy"Stark says

"Another Asgardian?"Niki questions

"Think that guy is friendly?"Cap inquires

"If he frees Loki or kills him the tesseract is lost"Stark tells him

"Stark we need a plan of attack"Cap exclaims

"I have a plan, attack"Stark says, as he jumps out after the asgardians

Then Cap gets into a parachute

"I'd sit this one out cap"Natasha suggests

"I don't see how I can"Cap replied

"These guys come from legend,they're basically gods"Niki tells him

"There's only one god ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that"Cap said as he finished doing up the parachute and jumped out.

"Men"Niki says bluntly,rolling her eyes.Natasha laughs.

They make it so the Jet can just stay in the one spot in the air as they waited until either back up was called or they wanted back in. While they waited, Nat and Niki talked about Clint, they really missed that loser. Then she brought up Niki's feelings towards him

"How do you feel towards him now?"She asks, unsure, knowing she didn't always like talking about her feelings.

"I feel like there is something still there but he's married and he has kids, there's no chance now" Niki explains.

Then they landed so the boys could come back in with an extra, a very tall blonde god. They headed off once again back to headquarters.

Loki was taken by many guards and they walked back into headquarters. We listen to Loki and Fury speaking.

"He grows on ya doesn't he"Banner commented.

"Loki is going to drag this one out, so Thor what's his play"Cap asks the asgardian man.Thor goes on about the Chitauri.Then we discuss Loki's plans.Stark walks in and we continue on talking.

Stark and Banner go to the lab. They all just go off and do their own thing, Niki doesn't even know where Natasha went. She went down to the lab to see how things were going but before that she heard Loki and Natasha talking,he was talking about Niki too.He knew. Niki walked down after Natasha had left

"Hello Nikkita"Loki greets

"I see you already knew my name I guess we can cut to the chase, how do you know about us"Niki asks the god

"Well it seems like your boyfriend told me everything, your ledger is gushing red, this love you have for him won't spare him"Loki says. Niki panics on the inside, but shows no sign.

"He's not my boyfriend, you better not have hurt him" Niki exclaims, letting her temper take over

"He told me about that temper of yours, it's definitely fiery. Join me Nikkita, you can help your boyfriend and I take over Midgard"Loki says, she makes it look like she considering it and walk towards the cell

"Over. My. Gorgeous .Dead. Body. "Niki says, walking out of the room. Niki head towards the lab like she was going to, hearing them bicker like kids.Niki rolls her eyes

"Have you got something to say Agent Antonoff"Fury asked me

"I do,your all children,arguing isn't going to solve this" She snapped.

"Agent Romanoff, would you escort Dr.Banner back to his-"Fury is cut off

"Where? You rented my room".Banner retaliates

"The cell was just in case-"Fury is once again cut off

"In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried! I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk!"Banner explains, Niki kinda feel bad for the guy

Banner slowly gets upset as he looks at Natasha, who gets unnerved. Niki stands in front of her protectively

"You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?"Banner asks. Three of them slowly hold onto their guns

"Doctor Banner...put down the sceptre,"Cap tells him. Banner looks down at his hand, shocked to see the sceptre in his hand. The computer beeps

"Got it"Stark tells him, Banner puts down the sceptre and follows Stark to the computer.

"Sorry, kids. You don't get to see my little party trick after all."Banner says

"Located the Tesseract?"Thor asks

"I can get there faster."Stark says

"Look, all of us-"Cap is cut off

"The Tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it"Thor tells him. Stark turns to leave, but Rogers stops him.

"You're not going alone!"Steve exclaims

"You gonna stop me?"Stark taunts

"Put on the suit, let's find out."Rogers says, slowly losing his temper

"I'm not afraid to hit an old man."Stark tells him

"Put on the suit,"Rogers says again. Banner who's looking at the monitor notices something.

"Oh, my God!"Banner says

Then suddenly there was an explosion, Niki was trapped underneath a big pole with lab equipment that had piled on top of it.Well shit.She try pulling herself out,she then try kicking her way out,Niki started sliding out slowly,she got unstuck but she felt the heli-quarters start to fall.

"He's heading to the detention centre,anyone copy"Fury asked

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