Damn that stinged

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Izuku POV

I noticed my parents weren't paying attention to me. It hurts it really does and now they don't even have time for me since they are training the four fucks. Kirishema and Todoroki are training with papa and Denki and Shinso is training with dad. It hurts because they spend so much time with them and not me, they're son.

I went to the dorms and looked for my drink. I couldn't find it anywhere. "Dad do you know where my drink is?" He just groaned. "No Izuku I didn't, you should look after your stuff" he said. "Right" I just left and went straight to my room.

Since when does dad groan at me?This is new, I guess they have new sons to take care of. And just leave me in the dark...again.

I'm overthinking! They wouldn't leave me! Would they? Whatever! I don't need them in order to become a hero! I can do it on my own!

Determination is what I have and parents is what I lack. Damn that's good. I should do something and show them I'm better off then fakes like them! Even my friend are fake except Kacchan he's the only real friend I have.

I got dressed in casual clothes, grabbed my fone and wallet and headed to the door. "Deku-kun!" Uraraka called out to me. "Yes Uraraka-San?" I asked with a fake cheerful smile. "Can you please buy me the new handbag at ####?" She smiled. "Uraraka-San that's a bit expensive" I laughed. "Please?" She begged. "I'm sorry Uraraka-San but I'm not going to buy you expensive things, it's to much and I can't afford it right now" she huffed and walked away. I signed and turned to leave.

I layed down on the cool grass underneath the stars. I was at a playground me and Kacchan used to play at when we were little. It was peaceful and calming. Just what I needed form what happened today and ever since my parents got favorites. I felt lonely yes but I was used to being abandoned buy the people I loved. I sat up and got my phone taking a picture of the playground with the moonlight as the background. It was a perfect wallpaper for me.

I slowly made my way back to the dorms before 'they worry' yeah right. It was past curfew anyway. I opened the door and was met by my so called parents. "Izuku where were you?" Dad asked. "Out" I walked past him. "Izuku it's past curfew" papa said. "Oh really, didn't notice" I walked past them and went to my room locking it.

The next day I got up early like always. I have inherited insomnia form dad, amazing isn't it. I got ready for school and went to make myself some breakfast. I then made my way to principal Nezu's office. I always go there in the mornings. We would play chess and drink tea and talk about our day. He's like my dad. My real dad.

I sat down and he gave me a cup of tea. "So did you sleep well?" He asked. "Yes thank you Dadzu" I smiled. "Anything Izu" he smiled back. We played a few games and talked about class 1-A's activity. Meaning we're planning on where my class should go. "How about camping?" I suggested. "Splendid idea mouse! I'll get everything ready for the trip!" He clapped his hands together. The bell rang and we said our goodbyes as I left.

I was now in class getting glares from everyone except one, Kacchan. "Alright class so Nezu just contacted me on the UA staff group saying class 1-A and 1-B is going on a camping trip" everyone started to cheer. "And I'm not allowed to train you because this is just for fun" they started to cheer again. "But this trip will determine if you can survive on your own without society" the class was quite. "That's all" He said and got into his sleeping bag.

I was just writing things in my notebook like usual. I came across Dad's page. In the corner there stood best dad ever but now I'm not to sure about it. I crossed it out, it wasn't true after all and my notebooks only hold the truth.

I went to the cafeteria when All Might called me to the teacher's lounge. I went there and took a seat on the couch. "Young Medoriya I've heard from young Uraraka that you have hurted her!" He said. "I did no such thing" I crossed my arms. "Young Medoriya I want to believe you I really do" This guy. "No you don't want to believe me, I can clearly see in your eye's you don't believe me" He moved slightly backwards. "I did not hurt her in anyway, she asked me for expensive clothes and bags and stuff but whenever I ask her something she doesn't even pay attention!" I yelled. "Non of them do! It's like I'm invisible to them! They only come to me when they need something or needs comfort! And when they got what they want or feel better they abandon me like it's the easiest thing in the world!" He tried calming me down but I didn't listen to him. "Everyone I've ever came to love used me and then just abandoned me! Like I was a toy they can just use and throw away when the get bored of me" A few tears escaped from my eye's. "Young Medoriya, are you...Okay?" He asked. "No I'm not okay! I don't have anyone to hold on to and love without them abandoning me! Dadzu is the only one I have in my life to hold on to" I sniffed. He patted my back. "It's alright young Medoriya" he said. "No it's not stop laying" I got up and left. Ignoring him as he calls my name.

I went to the dorm earlier then the other's since I didn't want to face them. I heard a knock on my door so I slowly got up and opened it. "Izuku why weren't you in class?" Aizawa asked. "I'm not feeling so good so I came back to the dorms" he sighed. "You could've asked permission first" he said. "I did" he looked at me. "From?" He asked. "Dadzu" I said and closed the door.

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