Court date

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Izuku POV

I walked up to Aizawa and Hisashi as they were waiting for us to arrive. Dad filed for custody of me and I know he'll win this for sure. Kacchan was there too! I ran up to him and hugged him, he hugged me back even tighter. "I missed you damn nerd" He whispered to me. "I missed you too Kacchan" I smiled and dug my face deeper into his arms. "Izuku come on we're about to go in!" My 'father' shouted. "Give me a sec old man!" I shouted back. "Kids these day's" He sighed. "Don't worry nerd we'll win this then we'll be together again" He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I know you guy's would" I smiled at him. "Oh so to him you smile but to me you kick?!" Tenko shouted being a brat. "Unlike you I actually love him" Kacchan grinned proudly. "I love him too you angry Pomeranian fucker!" He shouted. "I'm coming just shut up Tenko, God" I sighed and let go of Kacchan. "It's Tenko-Nii!" He whined. "No it's not!" I walked past him.

We sat there in silence as the judge gathered her things. "Mister Aizawa, Mister Yamada, Mister Nezu, your all fighting Hizashi Medoriya for custedy of Izuku Aizawa-Yamada?" The judge looked at them. "Yes your honer" They all said. "And why do you want custedy of Izuku here?" She guestured to me who was sitting up at the witness bench. "Because his father abandoned him when he was four maybe even younger! We've taken care of Izuku since he was eight years old, and ever since then we all loved and adored him with everything we've got. He's our son and there's no way I or the other's would allow this deadbeat to just come into his life like nothing happened!" Aizawa said. "Mister Medoriya is this true?" The judge glanced at him. "Ofcourse not your honor~ I was merely out of the country to provide for this little gremlin of mine" I scoweld at his comment. "Yeah right, leaving for twelve years is totally taking care of me" I mumbled under my breath. I glanced at Kacchan as the other's went on with the case. Oh how I missed those eye's of his and that smile. This better end soon Couse I already miss touching him. The court went on for an hour then their took a break. I immediately went to Kacchan and hugged him tight. He returned my hug and squeezed me even closer to him. "I was so worried about you teddy bear" He let go of the hug and cupped my cheek. I couldn't help but lean into his touch. "Me too baby, me too" I smiled. He smiled softly at me, stoking my lose strands out of my face. "I'm gonna make that bastard pay for this, I promise you Izuku" He said in a serious tone. "I know you will Kacchan, just don't push yourself to hard okay?" I kissed his cheek. "I won't baby" He said leaning into a kiss. It was sweet and gentle, I could taste carmel. He pulled away and kissed my cheek. "I'll be cheering you on, win for me baby" I cupped his cheek and he placed his forehead on mine. He smiled and nodded. "I have to go now, I'll see you soon Kacchan" I gave him a quick peck on the lips then went back to the morons.

My so called father grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me next to him. "Hey let me go! Your hurting me you-" Before I could finish a hand connected with my cheek. I fell to the ground and held my cheek. I looked up at him and he had a grin on his face. "Once we win this stupid little thing I'll do much worse than just slapping you" He growled. "Mister Medoriya what do you think your doing!" I turned my head to see who it was, and to my literal suprise, it was the judge! "Your honour I-" He tried explaining but she wasn't having any of it. "Quiet! I'm ending this case, giving custedy to the other's, you will be sentenced to prison for child abuse for the rest of your life!" She declared. "And your little friends will join you" She added. She pushed him aside and held her hand out to me. "Don't worry dear I won't let this man hurt you anymore" She smiled sweetly at me. I hesitated before taking her hand. She helped me up and lead me to her chambers. "Wait here I'll go get someone to patch up your cheek for you" She said leaving. After a while she came back with a medic right behind her. "Would you like to see anyone sweetie?" She asked. I slowly nodded my head. "Alright who would you like to see?" I thought for a moment. "Can I umm s-see my dad?" I asked slowly. "Ofcourse! Who's your dad?" She asked. "Well, Aizawa, Yamada and Nezu are my dad's but I'd like to see Nezu please- a-and can Katsuki Bakugou also come?" She smiled and patted my head. "Ofcourse dearie" She called her assistant to call both of the people I wanted to see. After a few minutes of talking to her, the two burst into the room. "Mouse!" Dad came and hugged the living daylights out of me. "Dad I missed you so much" I hugged him back. Kacchan came to my side and kissed my cheek. "Well Izuku I'll leave you to catch up with your father and boyfriend" She winked at me with a smile and sat in her chair. "Thank you your honour" I smiled at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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