Chapter four

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Lydia walks on the sidewalk sometimes looking behind her. Checking her mail box taking the paper in it she notice that Maria is not at her usual place just her blankets. Ignoring she enters the store.

"Where did she go?" Peter asked.


"You know, I used to be a reporter. I was... I was pretty successful, as well, you know? My job, it required you to... to follow people that did not want to be followed and hide in plain sight. I mean... You have to know how to disappear. I was pretty good, but, you know, you..." Lydia said looking towards the woman trying hide in the opposite aisle. "Whoever you are, you suck."

"That's the Doc that works for Carlton." Clint said.

"Yes Barton we can see that." Natasha said rolling her eyes.

"Okay. Uh, my name is Dora Skirth. I need your help. I work at the Life Foundation." Dr.Skirth said giving her a card.

"You do?" Lydia asked surprised.

"Yes" Dr. Skirth nodded

"Wow. Good for you. We're done" Lydia said walking away.

"No..." Dr. Skirth said shaking her head.


"Ms. Parker, please... Please listen to me. Everything that you accused him of, you were right. It's all true." Dr. Skirth said following Lydia out.

"Obviously." Sam stated. 

"I don't care anymore." Lydia said as she continues walking.

"Really? Because he's got a lab filled with poor people, and they're all signing waivers that they don't understand, and he's using them like guinea pigs, and they are dying. They are all dying." Dr. Skirth said as Lydia stopped walking.

"You've seen that?" Lydia asked

"Yes" Dr. Skirth nodded

"Come here." Lydia said pulling her to a side. "Why would I believe you?" She asked

"Because it's true. I believed in him, and I... I told myself that it was worth it because we were curing cancer, but now this is different. Something else." Dr. Skirth said.

"Go to the FBI." Tony said.

"Go to the cops" Lydia suggested.

"I can't do that. I'm afraid of what will happen to my family. He's a very dangerous man, and he's a very powerful man..." Dr. Skirth said when Lydia interrupted.

"I know how dangerous he is because the very first time I interviewed him, just once, I lose my job the very next day. I lost my career, I lost my apartment, I lost everything I ever cared about. You know why? Carlton Drake ruined me. Finished. Now, if you are who you say you are, genuinely, and you have proof, then you should be very, very, very afraid." Lydia said

"I am." Dr. Skirth said

"You need to find yourself another white knight, Ms. Skirth, because I am done. I am done with all of this shit." Lydia said.

"What shit?" Dr. Skirth asked.

"All of this "saving my fellow man" shit. All right? Good night." Lydia said walking away.

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