Chapter one

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"Ok let's settle down." Dr. Strange said. 

"Before that I want to bring someone else too." He added as Scott landed with groan.

Scott looked around the room and froze. 

"Hey I know most of you and don't know what happened I just landed here and show some flashes about your life." Scott said pointing to Lydia. 

"Hey Cap big fan I mean Huge fan. Hey man about that time..." Scott started to talk to Sam but Sam interrupted him.

"Let's not talk her tic tac." Sam said.

Everyone sat at their places as the screen turned on.

◆Snowy Landscape◆

A snowy area is seen in the year 1991.

A man enters the bunker as the soldier pressed a button that made a door open showing some type of vault.

The man then puts the code and a little door that had the symbol of a skull with tentacles opened revealing a red book with a star in middle.

The man then puts the code and a little door that had the symbol of a skull with tentacles opened revealing a red book with a star in middle

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Everyone who knew about Hydra tensed.

The Avengers and Fury looked for any information they can find about the base.

Bucky tensed and froze seeing the red book. 

In the other room a technician raises a cylindrical chamber, revealing Bucky Barnes, aka the Winter Soldier. He is then dragged away.

"Bucky" Steve whispered.

Bucky Barnes is secured in a chair, a mechanical device either side of his head causing him to scream in pain.

Everyone flinches hearing his screams. Venom makes Lydia sit next to Bucky to give him some comfort. Steve gives Lydia and Venom a small smile.

A man behind Bucky starts to say some words.

"NO NO." Bucky yells standing up.

"Don't worry it won't affect you here." Dr. Strange said. Bucky slowly sat down tensed when he felt something in his hand. Looking down he saw Lydia holding his hand. It calmed him for the first time.

"Желание. Ржавый. Семнадцать. Рассвет. Печь. Девять. Добросердечный. Возвращение на родину. Один. Грузовой вагон." The man said in Russian walking towards Bucky.

(Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybreak. Furnace. Nine. Benign. Homecoming. One. Freight car.)

The man waits for any reaction but Bucky just stares at him.

"Доброе утро, Солдат" The man said. 

(Good morning, soldier)

"Я готов отвечать." Bucky hestitaed.

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