Chapter eight

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Fire crews hose down the buildings. A red and white medical chopper flies overhead.

"Call MI-6, see if we can get Micro Forensics to hurry this up. We need the whole team here in two hours or it's not worth it." Sharon said.

Sharon strides through with a man in a green jumpsuit. 

They pass T'Challa who sits on a bench looking stunned.

Everyone look at the man with pity.  

There's a cut on his head. Natasha sits on the next bench along.

 "I'm very sorry." Natasha said.

 T'Challa glances at her. He's holding an ornate silver ring which he toys with between his fingers.

"In my culture death is not the end. It's more of a . . . stepping-off point. You reach out with both hands and Bast and Sekhmet, they lead you into the green veldt where . . . you can run forever." T'Challa said.

"That sounds very peaceful." Natasha replied.

"My father thought so." T'Challa said as he puts the ring on his finger.

"I am not my father." He continued.

"T'Challa. Task force will decide who brings in Barnes." Natasha said. T'Challa clenches his fist.

"Don't bother, Miss Romanoff. I'll kill him myself." He said and walks away.

"I won't let it happen." Steve said with determination. 

"You'll be in jail Cap." Rhodey said.

Steve phones Natasha. He's standing on the street in a cap and dark glasses.

"Seriously a cap and dark glasses? That's your cover up." Tony asks in disbelief.

"Yeah?" Natasha picks up the call.

"You alright?" Steve asked.

"Oh yeah she's fine just a bomb blast nothing new." Clint said which received weird looks.

"What we're the freaking Avengers it's normal to us." He said making some nod.

"Ah, yeah, thanks. I got lucky." Natasha said frowning she looks around, then stands up.

"I know how much Barnes means to you. I really do. Stay home. You'll only make this worse. For all of us. Please." Natasha requested.

"Listen to her man." Scott said.

"Are you saying you'll arrest me?" Steve asked.

"No. Someone will. If you interfere. That's how it works now." Natasha said.

"If he's this far gone, Nat, I should be the one to bring him in." Steve said.

"Why?" Natasha asked.

"Because I'm the one least likely to die trying." Steve said not far away Steve ends the call.

"Shit." Natasha cursed.

"We could had handle it together Steve." Natasha said.

"The minute Tony knew the truth he would have handed him over." Steve said.

"I wouldn't Cap." Tony denied.

"Ohh don't lie Tony." Steve exclaimed.

Steve approaches Sam sitting at the counter of a coffee shop.

"She tell you to stay out of it?" Sam asked he's also in a cap and shades.

"You to with the crap disguise" Clint yelled.

"Well I'm not a spy." Sam said.

"Might have a point." He continued.

"He'd do it for me." Steve said.

"I would have but that's not the point Steve." Bucky said.

"I would do anything for you. You're my best friend." Steve said.

Many looked at them in aww. Everyone wanted a friendship like them. 

"1945, maybe. I just want to make sure we considered all our options. The people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at me." Sam said as Sharon arrives by Steve.

"True" Scott nodded.

"Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter soldier goes to their gym. Most of it's noise. Except for this." Sharon said as she slides Steve a file.

"My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now . . . so that's all the head start you're gonna get." Sharon said.

"Thank you." Steve thanked her.

"And you're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight." Sharon warned him.

"She's gonna lose her job." Lydia said.


Zemo sits in a hotel room. He reads from Karpov's red book.

"Возвращение на Родину. Возвращение на Родину. Один. Один. Грузовой вагон... Грузовой вагон. Грузов- (Homecoming. One. One. Fright Car.)" Zemo was reading when he heard knocking at the door.

Bucky looked at him scared. He knew something was going to happen.

He puts the book in a drawer and goes to the door. He reaches for a gun tucked in the back of his trouser and cocks it.

"Herr Müller, ich habe Ihr Frühstück. (Mr. Müller. I have your breakfast.) " The german innkeeper said. 

Zemo opens the door.

"Ich konnte es schon von weitem riechen. Danke. ( I could smell it before I opened the door. Thank you.)" Zemo said.

"Speck und schwarzer Kaffe. Wieder. Ich kann Ihnen auch was anderes machen, wenn Sie das möchten. (Side of bacon and black coffee. Again. I can make you something different, if you like.)" Innkeeper said.

"Bitte sehr, das ist wunderbar. (It's okay. This is wonderful.)" Zemo said.

"Ich stell es dann mal hier hin... ( I'll put this on your . . .)" Innkeeper said.

"Nein, nein. Das geht schon. Ich mach das. Vielen Dank, Frau Leiber. ( No, no. It's okay. I can manage. Thank you Mrs. Leiber.)" Zemo thanked the innkeeper. 

Zemo closes the door. In the room is a large device with a cage at the bottom and a drum of coppered wire on top.

"What the hell is that?" No one knew what that thing was but knew it was to cause trouble.


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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