Chapter 3

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I walk into the kitchen getting a drink. "Finally your out" a voice said from behind me, I jumped and almost spilled my water.

I turned around to find Drake looking over at me from the couch, how the hell did he get in here! And man did he know how to dress. He was wearing red skinny jeans with his converse, on his torso he wore a black muscle shirt, and he wore his beanie from yesterday. He looked hot.

"How did you get in here?" I ask him.

"The door was unlocked" he said smirking, ugh there's that smirk again.

"Well why the hell are you here!?" I ask him getting slightly pissed.

"My mom told me to come over as well as your dad, he wanted me to look after you"

"What!? Are you freaking kidding me! Goddamnit! I'm not a little girl anymore!" I shouted

"Hey doll that's what he said" Drake said as he through his hands up.

"Don't you dare call me that!" I say to him through gritted teeth.

"Alright, alright jeeze calm down"

"No I will not calm down! You need to leave, I don't want you here" I hiss at him.

Drake laughed at my comment and stood up from the couch he slowly walked over to me.

I watch him as I'm glued to where I stand in the kitchen, next to the island.

Drake smirks "listen I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me to be here. I'd rather be home enjoying my alone time, but I was told to come here and stay" he says

"Whatever just leave me be, I'm going to my room" I say rolling my eyes and walking out of the kitchen to my bedroom. I slam my door sighing loudly as I lean against the door. "Why me?" I swear this is to get back at me for last night. "Nice joke dad."

I sigh turn my music on and get up plopping onto my bed admiring the ceiling as I did before.

Drakes POV.

I sit on the couch watching tv as she said for me to do. God I didn't know she could be so rude, ehh whatever no big deal.

I hear her turn her music on and I shake my head, she hasn't changed a bit. But yesterday man It was different.

I glanced over without turning my head to see her staring at me, I think she was studying me, but why? I decided to let it go and I kept focus on my game. I saw her go into the hall where all our pictures where, I was curious as to why she was looking, I got up and watched her for a minute or two as she then turned and was startled by my presence.

I smirked as I knew I had slightly scared her. it was cute, the way she reacted was adorable.I could feel myself smiling as I then proceeded to go into the kitchen and brush past her as if she wasn't there. She grew frustrated with me and I found it funny.

I heard a door open and I saw her coming out, I looked at her and she looked at me "don't mind me I'm just getting a drink, jeeze stare much" she says

I chuckle and shake my head at her comment as I resume my attention towards the tv watching the colorful pictures on the screen move. She goes back to her room and I sigh rolling my eyes.

Just a few more hours then I won't have to deal with her.

Victorias POV.

As I was laying on my bed with my music a little loud, I heard the front door open, was he leaving? Oh god I hoped so! I got up and opened my door walking into the living room hoping to see an empty couch, but what I saw was more horrifying than ever.

"Why the hell do you have your shirt off in MY house??? Why!?" I asked him.

Drake looked at me and smirked, damn that smirk "Why not" he smiled

I rolled my eyes in disgust and pretended to gag "gross" I muttered as I entered the kitchen.

"Oh yeah the mail came" he says "it's on the island" he adds

So that's why I heard the front door open "Yeah whatever" I say waving his comment away.

I check the mail as my dad walks in, finally! "Hi daddy"

"Hey sweetie" he says walking into the kitchen.

"You can leave now" I say bluntly to Drake.

"No he can stay for dinner" my dad says.

I glared at him. Great this is going to be interesting.





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