Chapter 5

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I woke up refreshed and wide awake, I was honestly shocked, I only had about 3 hours of asleep I woke up at 4 and now I'm up at 7:00. This is so unusual for me.

I sigh and get out of bed tossing my covers to the side and walking over to the window, I draw back the curtains to let the sunshine in. I also open the window to let a bit of fresh air into my room, I needed it.

Then I sit down and lay back on my bed "I think today should be a cleaning day" I get up and begin to clear off my dresser and make my bed. I move over to my iPod plugging it into the stereo system and putting on TKO by Justin Timberlake as I clean.

I finish cleaning my dresser and start reorganizing my room.

"Hmm.. Let's put the bed near the right wall, my dresser near the window, uh night stand goes here next to the bed, and bean bag chairs go over next to my stereo and books" I say to myself as I move the heavy and squeaky furniture around my room.

I was glad to be alone for once, hopefully if I went out into the living room Drake would not be here and I know my father is at work, hopefully it was only for that one time, that Drake would have to "watch" me.

I walk downstairs to clean the kitchen and living room. I finish cleaning as I sit on the couch "wow cleaning is exhausting.. And I killed about an hour of my time, not bad!"

"now it's time for a shower."

After my shower I get dressed and check my phoneFeeling extremely bored with myself I text my friends Katie and Alyssa to see if they wanted to hangout.

-Hey girl!!!- Katie

-Hey!!- Vikki :D

-What's up girl?-Katie

-Not much just bored, what are you doing?- Vikki :D

-Hanging with Alyssa and Chelsea you?- Katie

-I'm at home alone. it's not fun, where are you guys?- Vikki :D

-At the beach, I could come and get you!- Katie

-OMG yes please! I need to get out of this house!- Vikki :D

-Alright well be there in 10- Katie

-Okay!- Vikki :D

Finally I get to go out and have fun. I grab a bikini putting it on quickly with a half shirt and a pair of short shorts over it, I grab a towel and a bag with my sunscreen, phone, headphones, and sunglasses.

I heard a car horn, put my flip flops on heading out of the door.

-Here! Oh I picked up someone on the way he needed a ride ;) hope you don't mind- Katie

-I know and um okay- Vikki :D

I walk over to the car as Katie rolls the window down I also find Drake in the car with her. Shit.. Why must he be in every damn place I am? I put on my best smile and got into the car.

"I hope you don't mind" Katie says

"Nope it's fine" I say turning up the music and putting my sunglasses on as I stare out the window, ignoring his presence isn't the easiest.

Pulling out of my driveway Katie begins driving back to the beach "So how long have y'all been out here for?"

"About two hours so far"

I nod my head "cool cool"

Katie pulls into the parking lot of the beach, I get out as she unlocks the doors. Drake also steps out of the car as he does we make direct eye contact.

"Um hi.." He says lowly

"Hi" I say through gritted teeth as I walk past him and make my way over to Katie.

"So tell me why he's with us?" I ask her lowly my voice slightly harsh.

"Well I was on my way over to get you and saw him walking, I asked if he needed a ride after asking him where he was going and he said the beach. So I told him to hop in" she says

I groan lowly "you know It's hard to be around him!" I say to her as we begin to walk towards the beach.

"I'm sorry, he said he was here to surf so he should leave us alone" Katie says

"He better" I say.

We finally find Alyssa and Chelsea.

"Hey guys!" I say hugging the two of them

"Hey" they say In sync as they both giggle.

"So how have y'all's summer been?" I ask

"Pretty good yours?" Alyssa asks

"It's been alright, although recently it hasn't been"

"Awww how come?" Chelsea asks

"My dad made me go to Drakes house a few days ago, and he hasn't left me alone for the last three days!" I exclaim

All three girls look at me with their eyebrows raised and mouths open.

"What?" I ask

"Why would you not want to be with Drake? He's so hot and lord those muscles, I could just melt" Alyssa says

"Then you can have him" I say

They all roll their eyes

"Okay what?" I ask

"We know you like him it's written all over your face" Katie states

"Ha ha ha you're crazy, on that note I'm going in the water, anyone wanna join me?"

"I will" Alyssa says

"Awesome possum" I say as the two of us head towards the deep blue ocean with their giant waves that seem to reach the sky at times.

Soon Chelsea and Katie join us and we all relax and chat while we swim. My mind drifts to Drake for a moment, but I soon discard it and have fun with my friends.





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