Chapter I: is this place

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Your POV:

i opened up my eyes to see a white board saying 'start new life? (yes) (no)' but then i remembered...i was supposed to be dead?! the only thing i remembered was me in a car crash with some drunk driver now how tf am i supposed to get s/n (sister name) those plushies she wanted in such a long time??? ...and damn i didn't make it in time for work...

just thinking about it makes my head and heart hurt, a true pain on how i broke our promise and yet missed work but i did kinda wanted to restart a new life so i pressed yes and the next thing i knew i blacked out yet again (touche ik)

.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.

second person POV:

you now feel to a deep sleep while a woman who had black and red cube like squares now carried you as her white hair flowed freely and her piercing yellow eyes now held so much softness over you're sleeping figure

"i'm...i'm sorry for you're fate has to come out as this...truly painful indeed...i'm glad that you can now rest and start a new life my child...not like those travelers..."

she said with tenderness in her eyes while saying it like you were a sleeping baby who would wake up any moment 

"as much as i hate it i do need to send you to teyvat... goodluck y/n"

after she said that she ordered the cubes to make you land in teyvat comfortable

and then she looks at the audience

".....i...director what was the script again?-"



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(A/N: very sorry uh anyway-)

she then looked at her hand after seeing the tragic event and placed it over her non-existint-heart

"how i wish i could stop the event that caused you so much pain.."

.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.

Your POV:

after what seems to be hours of sleep i finally woke up and said one thing on my mind " is this place?" and the first thing i saw was to see cubes making a flower shop and some of them getting flowers for it like wind wheel-asters, glaze lilies, dandelions, ceilla's, lamp grass, sweet flowers, basically you name the flower its there

there's even some flowers in my world too! spider lilies..? my (favorite flower) is also there too! i wonder how people not caring what those cubes are doing

then i sighed and remembered the things that happened today

'okay so i woke up, smashed my clock well not really, got ready, made breakfast which was bland, got hit by car-kun by a drunk driver who was safe and i died which was stupid, got carried by a woman with white hair and golden eyes, how can i even know that? I can't remember anything and now im here...with cubes making this flower shop and getting me flowers from somewhere.'

damn that hurted my brain i can think about this sh1t and worry about it until tomorrow 

"hey..uh you!"

i said towards the cube that was being controlled by someone or something and it turned around 


i thought as i continued to speak

"...can you make me a bed? its hard falling asleep on the floor"

i explained as it seemed to understand and created a bed for me like a small comfortable one as i thanked it and hopped into it

'ahhhhhhh i miss the texture of my bed...damn probably i have to start working as its owner now...wonder how the place will look like tomorrow' 

as i thought again before closing my eyes letting the darkness consume my body as well 


hehehe its all just normal stuff i wonder what would happen tmrrw

anyways byeee

author out!

edit: i had to look at my mistakes and redo them to make the plot seem less confusing 


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