Unlock My Guarded Heart - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Shizuka Dojo, Japan

1868, Edo period

“Yes, he was a strange boy but he saved my life.” I replied with a small smile and wiped my tears away.

“Mizuko, you will not make a very good Samurai if you are frightened all of the time.” Master Hayashi teased me. I glanced at him and blushed slightly.

“Master Hayashi, how come you are referring to me casually now?” I asked.

“I am sorry, do you not like that?” Master Hayashi asked me, I blushed again and sweat dropped as I giggled nervously, waved my arms around and shook my head with closed eyes.

“No, no that’s not it at all I-I was just asking a question.” I replied, Master Hayashi sat up and placed his hands on my shoulders, looking me right into the eyes.

“Mizuko, why won’t you tell me about your past?” Master Hayashi asked sternly. I felt my face drop and I stared at him, frozen in place.

“My… Past?” I asked quietly as I dropped my hands, resting the palms on my thighs. Master Hayashi nodded in response, probably thinking he was getting somewhere. I glanced at him and then climbed to my feet, my arms at my sides, hands balled into fists, head down with my fringe shadowing my eyes. “I-I…. I have to go and make dinner.” I said, as I turned on my heel and ran for the door, tears streaming down my cheeks as I cried silently and ran across the Tatami mats towards the kitchen.

When I reached the kitchen I placed my hands on the wooden bench for support and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. I then opened the cloth bag and took out the supplies I had bought, deciding to make Ramen I boiled the noodles and cut up all of the other ingredients. After what seemed like a long time I had finished preparing the Ramen and I walked with one of the bowels back towards Master Hayashi’s room. I didn’t want to see him face to face again so I placed the ramen on the ground and knocked on the door.

“Master… Your food.” I barely whispered as the bowel settled in place with a tmp. I then ran back towards the kitchen before Master Hayashi could open the door to talk to me again, I sat on the Zabuton, eating my food in silence.

You’re overthinking things again Mizuko, if you keep worrying about Master Hayashi finding out what happened he is more than likely to, so keep yourself tame your parents… would have wanted that….. I thought to myself as more tears came to my eyes. I quickly finished my food and got to my feet, heading towards the bathroom.

“Master Hayashi, I’m going to get the bath ready okay?” I said, when he didn’t reply I gathered he was sleeping, that was until I heard the Fusuma door slide open and my Master stood in the doorway shirtless. I glared at his muscular build and felt my face slowly heating up. “M-Master Hayashi! P-please put a top on!” I gasped as I covered my eyes and turned the other way.

Master Hayashi looked at me confused he looked really cute though….. n-no what am I saying? He’s my teacher!!!

“Mizuko, why can’t you go back to how you acted as a child?” Master Hayashi asked as he slid a hand onto my shoulder causing me to freeze, peering through the gaps between my fingers.

“N-No, M-Master Haya-!“I began but I was cut off when Master Hayashi placed a finger to my lips.

“What are you afraid of? I have known something has been frightening you ever since I first met you Mizuko, now please, tell me what it i-“ Master Hayashi began but cut himself off when he collapsed against me, I held his shoulders to support him as he tried to catch his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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