Unlock My Guarded Heart - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Shizuka Dojo, Japan

1868, Edo period

I woke up earlier the next day and got dressed into my usual outfit, I then walked along the Tatami mats and into the kitchen to find that Master Hayashi wasn’t awake yet. I headed towards his room and knocked on the Fusuma. I didn’t hear anything and began to worry.

“Um, Master Hayashi…. I’m coming inside okay?” I said, once I had no reply I slid open the Fusuma door and walked into the room, Master Hayashi was coughing even though he was still sleeping on his Futon. I quietly approached him and climbed onto my knees, gently shaking Master Hayashi, when he didn’t budge I began to panic I really hope he wasn’t dead. “Master, Master Hayashi!” I called, he let out a small sound and then turned to face me.

“Oh, hello Mizuko san, is something wrong?” He asked. I shook my head and Master Hayashi coughed.

“Are you ill Master Hayashi?” I asked, not realising I had tears in my eyes until Master Hayashi raised a shaky hand to my face and wiped the tears away.

“Why are you crying Mizuko san?” Master Hayashi asked, avoiding my question.

“I-I don’t want you to leave me like my parents did.” I explained, raising my hands to my face and wiping the remainder of the tears away with a fake laugh. “I look silly don’t I Master?” I asked. He gave me a small smile.

“No Mizuko, you look as beautiful as you always have.” He replied, I stopped wiping my eyes and felt my face heat up slightly. He smiled slightly and let s small laugh escape his lips. “There is no need to feel embarrassed Mizuko.” Master Hayashi said.

He used to tell me this a lot, he was always saying how much of a beautiful young girl I’d grow up to be, back then it felt natural to be treated like that, considering my little crush on him and everything but now, I was just confused.

Suddenly Master Hayashi’s face turned slightly pink and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. I glanced at him worried and decided to feel his forehead, I gently placed a hand on it and he coughed slightly.

“Your forehead is really hot, oh no.” I gasped as I climbed to my feet and ran out of his room, towards the kitchen, I wrapped ice up in some cloth and hurried back to his room with a small bowl of water in my free hand. I dropped to my knees beside him and dunked the ice into the bowl of water, placing it on his forehead, he smiled slightly at me causing me to blush, Master Hayashi had always been a beautiful person, from all those years ago, when he was just sixteen and felt like he needed to care for a child when he hadn’t even grown up fully himself.

“Mizuko…” he muttered, I was stunned that he hadn’t used the formal way and soon he had a hand behind my head and pulled it gently towards his chest so I was lying down as well, he then stroked my hair gently. I could hear his heart pumping, it was relaxing and I wanted to stay like that forever until I realised what was happening.

No…. He’s your Master, he is much older than you, you can’t have feelings like that towards him…. I thought to myself as I pulled away, trying to look casual.

I couldn’t keep my eyes locked on his so I looked the other way.

“Uh, Master Hayashi, I’m going to head into town to pick up some supplies, we are running low on food and the errands you have been running won’t keep us alive forever, you won’t be going to work today because you are sick but I promise I will use the money we have wisely and I won’t spend it on junk.” I explained with a small smile.

“Be careful Mizuko san, there are some putrid men out there, keep safe.” Master Hayashi said. I giggled.

“I’ll be just fine.” I assured him.

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