
595 8 2

Nekomi created the group.

Nekomi named the group Down Bad for The Pearl.

Nekomi: mmm yes
                  the day has arriveth >;3

Japan: Nekomi.

Nekomi: nee-chan :3?

Japan: Why did you make this group chat?

Nekomi: cause the internet seems to like harems~

Japan: Damn you and your gay-ass fantasies.

Nekomi: you know it! 

8:27 pm

South Korea: Ooh~ 
                            What in the hell does down bad for the pearl mean

Indonesia: Sounds like a cool band name

Malaysia: Fr fr
                    Gaddam there are only 8 peeps here?? I expected more

Indonesia: Yeah tru tru

South Korea: What

Indonesia: U do know what the gc name means right

South Korea: Naur

Malaysia: smh 

China: Let me guess

Malaysia: OH
                    SHIT HI?? 

Indonesia: you sound surprised

China: The Pearl in 'Down Bad for The Pearl' means little miss Philippines?

Malaysia replied to Indonesia 'you sound surpri..' : AND I AM
                                       Y IS CHINA HERE

Indonesia: you shoulda expected him to be here smh my head head

South Korea: Pft 'little miss Philippines' 

Israel: What's all this fuss about?

Malaysia: Hi Israel :D

Indonesia: Israel in the real !!

South Korea: gasp I now understand what the gc name means

South Korea replied to Malaysia 'Gaddam there are only...' : I am also surprised to see a low number of people here

Nekomi: :0
                  tell me what other countries are down bad for phili

Indonesia: no

South Korea: Gladly >;)

Indonesia: oh no

South Korea added North Korea and Singapore to the group.

Indonesia: WHAT

Malaysia: NORTH MKOREA???

America: AINT NO WAY


South Korea: ehe 

Japan: @Nekomi quit squealing and tumbling around, I'm in a call

Nekomi: sorry nee-chan! my hungry fujoshi thoughts are being well fed!
                  ok ew maybe not fujoshi but yk, gay

South Korea: Sadly north doesn't pick up his phone almost everytime, we can't tease him here :pensive:

Nekomi: Sadge ):

Japan replied to America 'AINT NO WAY' :     >>

America: hi lol

Japan: check UN's chats

America: oh shit

Japan: dumbass

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