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Lets ignore that sunoo is a whole diffrent ethinatcy

Sunoo has always been a little quirky.

A bit too happy during sad times.
A bit too mad at the euporhic times.

Sunoo knew he was an addams. He was just brought up in a diffrent family.
A mixup with the Police and all that stuff.

Sunoo wasnt in contact with the family he grew up in.
At 14 he started living with the addams.

It was a bit rocky at the start.
Sunoo saw a bit too much torture happening for one Day.

But he got used to it after a week or so.

But then i-land came.
As much as it was hard leaving the family he was now so comfortable with.
He complied and everything went smoothly after a while.

It has been almost e years since enhypens debut and the finally had their first world tour.
Their family was invited to see the first concert of the world tour.
And lets just say...they were suprised.
At maybe everything

The way his parents were still so in love with eachother. The unerving demeanor of his younger sister.
And the akwardly tall driver who looked more dead then alive.

" guys must be sunoos parents?..."
"Oh yes we are! Its so nice to be able to meet our little deathtraps bestfriends!"
"Hahaha! Your little what? Deathtrap?"
"Yes! Hes loved that nickname since we got him back!"

"Got him back?"
"Yes sunoo got mixed up with someone else when he was born... we him back when he just turned 14!"

"Ahh? Okay!"
"Jake hyung can you stop talking to my parents so i can interact with them?"

"Holy shit sunoo you scared me! But yeah ofcourse!"

Sunoos little brother ran up to him and gave him a hug
"Sunoo! I missed you so much. Wednesday did as well but i dont think shell ever admit that" he whispered the last part softly

"Haha ofcourse pugsly. "
after everyone talked with their own parents they choose to go get dinner and bond.

"So um ms,addams how was your flight here?"
"Oh it was delightfull! Thank you for gifting us.the flight!"
" problem but i think bang PD nim did that..."
"Well whatever! How have you guys been treating my little deathtrap!"
"Yeah. Because ive heard things." It was the first thing they heard his little sister say.

"Dont worry those were miscommunicatons!"
"Yea. I hoped soo."
The braided said while glaring around the room.
"Also. Why are you holding his hand?"
She said while looking at heeseung.
"Oh..its because we are dating!"
"Hyung don-"
"REALLY?? Omg dear we have to take a picture of this moment ! Sunoo finnaly allowed some love to Come his way!

"Mom..! Stop it... this is embarresing "
"Its not dear! Now Come on pose !"
She said while taking a photo with the old camera.

"Sunoo. I dont think you talked to me about this.
How old is he? What kind of person is he? What his zodiac sign? Does he know about the addams sacred?"

"Calm down. Hes 21 ,INTP ,a libra and no he does not."

"Alright fine."

I dont know to consider this finished but still. So my phonescreen broke really badly after i almost broke my ankle and one of my classmates just dief sonplease understand my absensce

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