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Fairy sunoo! Human enha!
Also i removed this first cause someone said it looks a lot like someone elses on ao3 (theirs is better btw) but i didnt know they made that.
I didnt read that one before making this so.
Ill upload this right now because i still put an effort into this so.

Sunoo wasnt like the others.
Not like the other fairies, they didnt like him very much.
They didnt like his pink wavy hair.
They didnt like how his wings didnt match with his hair like it did eith the others.

His wings had white lines ,but the rest was clear and would shine rainbowy in the sun.

How beautiful it was, The others didnt like it.
He wouldnt escape thr Village tho. It was more dangerous out there.
And sunoo knew theyd always shame him for it.
Sunoo didnt know they were jealous till he heard some of them talk about they would rip them of him.

Thats when he knew he defo would be safer OUT of tye village.
So he ran. Well...
He didnt run. He hates running.
He walked. Not following the path at first for safety but he went to back cause he realised none of the fairies get out of the Village.
Scared to get murdered by humans.

So there he went walking. He kinda regretted not running. Or bringing his bike even tho he was paranoid People would have followed him. Even though it makes no sense.

When he finnaly got to a road he got worried he kept hiding behind every tree that showed up every 10 feet.

He was so focused on keeping himself safe from People infront of him that he didnt notice the guy behind him.

"Holy shit..."
Sunoo nearly screamed hearing the voice pop up behind him.
Sunoo panicked so he said the first thing that came to mind.
'Your dreaming. Im not real' thats when he tried to run before the man tried to say anything else.

But he forgot the fact that their was a tree right in front of him.
And went face first into it
Lets just say he didnt quite remember what happend after.

He woke up smelling eggs and Meat??
Some kind of Meat. Dont know why you would mix with eggs though.

When he quietly tried to leave the bed in the quite big house. Atleast he thinks its big considering the big room and gigantic stairs hes walking down right now.

Before he could get one thr main floor.

"Oh youre awake? Are you doing alright. You hit your head pretty hard back there. Also i know now that i was not dreaming. Good excuse though"

Im fine?

"Thats good! Come eat breakfast with us"



One thing lead to another and now were here.

Three of the six guys bickering about who HE loves the most.

If you told sunoo these 6 human guys would be fighting over him 3 months ago  he would have laughed in your face with no hestitation.

Or if you told him these 6 guys would Kiss him goodnight and goodmorning.

When sunoo told them why he left the Village they were livid.
But they had enough morals to not get violent.

Ofcourse this isnt the only things they do but we do not get into detail ;)

But these guys defo love sunoo.
And do not want to murder him bcuz of yhr Color of his wings.


Short but idc had to upload sumn but i get sad everytime.

Get well soon sunoo!

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