Garden Story

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Normal AU
Third person

Seek was never able to go into the garden because they would melt in the rain that never seemed to stop. When ever Figure asked if Seek wanted to go they would almost always deny. If Seek went with them ,they would stay under the little space that had a roof. They have gotten hit by rain before so they always brings a blanket from one of the beds to cover thyself. Figure has noticed this behavior and was the only one that saw what happens when they get wet. When ever Figure asks if seek wants to go with them he brings a blanket just in case they want to go.

Seek pov

    I was on my way to the Library until screech popped in-front of me. " What is it that you need today kid?" I said to the floating creature. " T-t-timothy-y won't-t-t st-top-p biting-g me..."  they said. I sigh and walk over to the closest drawer and knock on it. " Timothy come out I need to talk to you" I not trying to hide my emotions, the drawer pushed out slowly. " Seek? What is it" they said worryingly, I picked them up and looked over to Screech. " Did you bite them? Be honest" god I'm starting to sound like a parent, " I did.." I nod. "Now say sorry" I said hoping this can end " I'm sorry screech" the tiny spider said. After Screech accepted their apology I let them run off so I can finally go to the Library.

When I got there Figure wasn't there. I got worried at first but he could just be at the garden or door 100. I sighed and started to look around, " man this place is a mess.." I mumbled to myself. I walked over to a bookshelf and moved the items that was in front of it to the side and I saw a book that grabbed my interest. I pulled it out and walked over to the Liberian desk to sit down. I sat down and then looked at the books cover that said "Hatchet" hmm I wonder what this book is about, I opened it to the first page and started reading.

After awhile I heard the door creak open "Is that you Figure?" I said out loud. " Seek your here?" They said with light stomps accompanying their voice. " Yeah I actually came here to see you but you weren't here" I said looking at Figure slowly walking over to me. I realized they had dirt on their face, " were you in the garden? " I said. They are only peeking over one of the bookshelves like they are hiding something, they nod at me. I set the book on the counter and walk over to them.

When I reach them I realize that they have a flower in their hands that still had the roots. I look up to face them, " I got you this since you can't go out and see them" they said looking to the side. If I had a mouth I would be smiling right now, "really? This is for me..?" I said to them. "Well yeah.. But do we have any flower pots around here?" They said knowing they wouldn't be able to find it themselves. I look around the library and spot a flower pot "yeah there is, wait right here" I said walking over to the flower pot.

I came back over with the flower pot in my hands. I slowly reach out for the flower in Figure's hands carefully not to surprise them. When I got the flower I put it in the pot and walked back over to the Liberians desk to place it down, Figure walked behind me carefully not to shake the ground to much. " Thank you Figure I appreciate it" I said turning around to loom at them, they fidget with their hands while mumbling a "your welcome".

I reach out my hands to clean their face, when I was done cleaning them off I placed my hands on the side of their face. They leaned into the touch, I wonder how I would give them a kiss but I remembered I'm made out of ink and I can manipulate my body. I make a little slit under my eye and shape it into a mouth, I pull them down and give them a kiss on the cheek. I smiled while Figure was freaking out and covering their face. That's the best way I can repay them, but I think I might do that more.


780 words
3 days

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