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The next morning Doga got Shaman up at 9:00am.

"What's the commotion?" Shaman asks sleepily.

"You do want to learn magic, right?"

Shaman beamed. "Really, you're going to teach me now?"


Shaman let out a loud "Whoo hoo!" that woke up everyone else.

Doga taught Shaman everything she knew.

Shaman easily mastered the basics.

He did have trouble on the advanced magic.

By the end of the day, Shaman was on the ground exhausted, while Doga stood with her head held high in her tattered trench coat.

"We'll start again tomorrow."

At the end of the week, Shaman was proud to say he was an expert on magic.

That Sunday night, the gang has a party to celebrate Shaman's mastery of magic.

Clown continued to stare at the wall, but at least he had something to eat. The cast on his leg had little drawings all over it. His leg would be healed soon.

As Chief went to sleep that night, she dreamed of the time she met Tobe.

Jing Jing was crying loudly. She lost her mother in the park. Her mother probably was too busy to remember that she came to the park with her daughter. Jing Jing was about six years old at the time.

She saw a young boy walking with his father. The father sat on a bench and watched his son scamper off to the playground. The boy didn't go to the playground. Instead he ran up to the crying girl. "What's wrong?"

Jing Jing looked up at him, tears welling up in her eyes. "I can't find my mommy," she whimpers. The boy picked a daisy and presented it to her. "Please, don't cry. You're too pretty to cry. I'll help you find your momma." Jing Jing immediately forgot her sorrow and blushed.

"What does she look like?" "Just like me, except she has longer hair." "Wait, with my dad, I'll look for her." She went up to the tall man sitting on the bench. "What's your name, little girl?" "Jing Jing," she sniffles. "Are you a friend of my son?" "We just met."

"I overheard that you lost your mother."

"It's okay, that boy is helping me find her."

"Tobe is such a sweet kid."

"Did Tobe come here with his momma too?"

"No… Tobe doesn't have a mother… She died when Tobe was two years old."

"She died? What does that mean?"

"That means… Tobe won't ever see her again…"

"Why! Did Tobe make her angry?"

"Tobe was a sickly boy when he was young. His mother caught his disease… Tobe survived but his mother… didn't."

Jing Jing was glad to have this conversation; it took her mind off of her Mom being lost.

Now all she could think about was a poor motherless Tobe and this foreign word called death… What did it mean?

Finally Tobe came back with her mother.

"Momma!" Jing Jing jotted up and hugged her mother.

"I told you not to wander far…"

Jing Jing looked at Tobe, hugs him, and they both fell to the ground covered in dirt.

Pucca: The night I first Met YouWhere stories live. Discover now