Chapter 2

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Ponyboy's POV

It was around 7 PM and I was getting bored just sitting around, Sodapop was out with Two-bit and Darry wasn't much fun.

"Aye Darry I'm gonna go out to the lot for a bit. I will be back before 12." I say grabbing a jacket and combing my hair back a bit.

"Alright be careful," Darry says slouching on the couch and turning on the TV. I race out the door about to jump the fence when I notice a girl that looks a bit older than me, passed out, beaten against our fence. Jesus Christ, what happened earlier?

"HEY DARRY COME HELP, THERE SOME KID BEATEN OUT HERE!"  I yell rushing over to the girl, she was covered in blood and mud. Darry came rushing out and took a look at her. 

"Holy shit, they got her real good." He says wide-eyed. 

"Come help me get her inside we gotta get her fixed up," I say as Darry picks her up and sets her on our couch. We clean off the mud and then patch up the cuts that are visible and wrap her in a blanket. While we wait for her to wake up, of course, I was left in charge of watching her because Darry had to go get Soda from the Drive-in with Two-bit.

Your POV

I wake up feeling dizzy and in pain everywhere, my eyes adjust to the light and I realize I'm not outside anymore, I'm on someone's couch, I get up and my hands instantly go to my stomach. I groan in pain.

"Where am I?" you ask looking around, a little boy was looking at me with wide eyes.

"SHE'S AWAKE!" He yells and two people run over 

"Who are y'all?" you say trying to get up, but due to pain, I tumbled back down.

"Easy there kid." The oldest one says handing me a glass of water. Confused I took a sip. "I'm Darrel, you can call me Darry." He says going back to the kitchen.

"Sodapop." The other one that looked a bit younger than Darry says with practical sparkles in his eyes, wasn't he happy to have a stranger in his house?

"I'm Ponyboy!" The one that was sitting next to me said holding his hand out for me to shake. I look at it for a bit.

"Y/n, y/n l/n." You say shaking his hand slowly.

"Whatever happened to you?" Darry asks to stand against a wall and enter the conversation again.

"Socs, that there were so many of them.." You say beginning to tremble, your eyes widen as you get flashbacks from a moment that felt so long ago but was so recent.

"hey your okay now kid, calm down they ain't gonna hurt you again." Soda says patting your back, you winced a bit. It hurt more than he probably intended.

"I remember, there were four of them, one had multiple rings." You say remembering the hand that took the first hit to your face, right in the nose.

"Hey that's the same description johnnycakes said that day." Ponyboy says thinking about it for a minute, "Do you remember the vehicle they were driving?" He looks at you.

"I believe it was a blue mustang, just like my parents only much, much nicer," I mutter the last bit thinking of my parents again. "Well, what were my parents." Getting thrown out isn't the worst thing that could have happened I guess, never mind. I pretty much am. I mean I'm glad to get away from them but fuck, they were my parents for Pete's sake.

"What do you mean were? Did they die or something?" Sodapop says curiously.

"I got thrown out, I never really liked it there anyways, but it still upsets me, they are supposed to be my parents. I'm probably gonna stroll around town for a bit until I find someone willing to take me in." I shrug. "Say, do you guys know Dallas Winston? He was a close friend from way back when I visited here a couple of years ago." I hope that's the right name, I could see an old friend right now, get me out of this mess.

"Yea we know Dally, a member of our gang, you want me to give him a call?" Darry asks 

"Yes please," I reply laying back down, I was gonna rest for a bit until Dally got here. Which wasn't long because around 10-15 minutes later the door busts open and a whole gang bursts in, I assume it's theirs so it doesn't scare me but it does startle me.

"You sure it's not some kid that doe- AYE PIPSQUEAK, THAT YOU?" Dally hollers when he sees you sitting on the couch greeting you in a bear hug, he either forgot already or didn't notice you were injured. You giggle a bit.

"Hey Dal, I missed ya." You say looking around at the other people who were gathered in the room.

"What the hell happened to ya, you're busted up." He says poking a bruise on your arm curious., you swat his hand away in response.

"Got jumped by a group of Socs."  You say laying back on the couch, a lot of stupid socs.

"Same ones that jumped little Johnny too," Sodapop says pointing at a little boy who looked around my age with his hair covering his eyes, his thumbs shoved in his pockets, he gave a shy smile and then looked away. He was kinda cute if I'm being honest, what am I saying I just say the kid I can't call him cute.

"Holy shit how bad did they get you? They got that kid pretty bad, scared him for life, I don't want the same shit happening to you kid." Dally says checking you out, the boys hadn't checked under any parts of your clothing so he lifted your shirt just enough so it was covering your chest. "Jesus Christ.." Dally's face dropped when he saw all the bruises and cuts all over your lower torso. "Damn socs.." He mumbled and he took you to a room with a med kit away from the others. He cleaned you up and you thanked him. 

"And where the hell are your parents, they ain't worried?" Dally asks putting away the kit.

"They kicked me out, so I was wonderin' if I could stay with ya I dunno." You say with a huff, oh well if you couldn't it didn't matter anymore.

"Aw kid I'm sorry, you can't stay with me, I'm crashin' at bucks for a bit. I'm sure someone else in my gang will take ya, if not I'll make 'em." He said ruffling your hair. You laughed a bit knowing he is gonna find a place for you, but what if they are also like your parents? you'll never know until you go I guess. whatever it is I'll take it, it's better than being a stray.

"Thanks, Dal, I mean it." You say hugging him forgetting he ain't a fan of hugs, but I needed this as much as he hates it.

"Anytime pipsqueak." He says hugging you back, you felt so happy. You guys walk back slowly to Ponyboy's living room as he helped you sit down on the couch, relieved you weren't on our legs anymore you let out a sigh, you were so drained, so much had happened in so little time, getting kicked out, socs beating the shit out of you, a gang, you don't even know what side you fall into. Your parents would be Socs, but you're left here in the east, where would you fit?

"Anybody willing to take Y/n in? she got kicked out," Dally asks the group pointing to you. you snapped out of your daze. You were too tired to care who took you in, you laid your head back and dozed off before finding out if anyone even wanted to keep u for a bit, but you didn't care, not at all anymore.

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